AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST @jadestone you are amazing friend from all this SG years i been here you are Nr.1 in this stuff came in my eyes i found you here and i was in your stream little house tour was really fun lots cool games lovely views from your sets . You honest kind strong awesome friend i love hangout with you on here or Discord even damn server banned me but i hope we can talk on dm on discord i hope you dont mind . I'm kind honest understandble type person sometimes sensitive but just me. But Big THANK YOU to you Jade for everything for love hope faith and all. You are Pink i wish see PINK SET one day from you will have like 5k or more from one awesome set but you are THE BEST
I hope we can share on Discord cute sexy pics like on your server but i dont know its your choice Jade i always listen to you thats all from Jade good luck on your life and family let your daughter be like you and never give up