My name is Kristupas Rusteika Full Name is Tadas Kristupas Rusteika Age 24 born 1998 03 04 age 24 yes soon will 25 i born in Lithuania Alytus Gintaro 27g you can look at the google maps find me and all lithuania I love swimming walk hangout dance sing work with my dad like hangout and have good time and fun i never get mad or angry i always positive person honest and just smile guy i hate war and crime and bad people who dont love girls i really do love girls not creepy ofc but romantic way so yeah little bit about me

First one is my cousin Rokas second my uncle Rolandas third oldest cousin Karolis cousin Urtė and Me
Now these last one you see with colourfull clothes Mother Daive Urtę aunt Virga and last my sister Patricija. Yeah i know nothing special but now i will show you last picture with my father and will full blog about me and family