You all have probably seen Zamuzel's latest blog by now, but I'm so proud of these songs I'm going to post them again anyhow!
Yes, An Axe (my band with Zam) have a new single out! Destructo! and Cherry.
I'm so happy with them.
This is the music I've always wanted to be making.
I do hope you all enjoy them.
They're both available on iTunes.
Oh, and I've made a vow to visit London and keep in touch with all you Big Smoke folks more often (as long as I don't get drunkenly stranded there EVERY time I visit!)
Heck, I'm going to extend it to all of you fine people! If you'd like to see Kristoph in your city then speak up!
Maybe I'll do a mini tour!

Yes, An Axe (my band with Zam) have a new single out! Destructo! and Cherry.
I'm so happy with them.
This is the music I've always wanted to be making.
I do hope you all enjoy them.
They're both available on iTunes.
Oh, and I've made a vow to visit London and keep in touch with all you Big Smoke folks more often (as long as I don't get drunkenly stranded there EVERY time I visit!)
Heck, I'm going to extend it to all of you fine people! If you'd like to see Kristoph in your city then speak up!
Maybe I'll do a mini tour!

Hello yourself! how you doing?
cracking to have finally met your very dapper self at last, sir.