Still here!
What a relief. Was kind of worried that my account might've expired since my card was cancelled after some utter cuntbags cloned it and teefed all the cash outta my account.
Remind me to update my details sometime soon though, kay?
Either that or buy me a gift account if I forget?
Oh god I have a lot to write about.
I'm not even gonna look at the date of my last blog but Foundry & Zamuzel inform me it was a looooong time ago.
So theknives and I have our new place together and it's fantastic. I mean the place AND the together parts.
Tis nice to have our own little haven of movie watching and wine drinking.
She's yet to get too tired of me making off-colour jokes and singing at the top of my lungs, so all is good!
Love that lady.
Life is pretty busy at the moment, but I kind of like it that way.
I'm sure y'all know by now that I have two gigs coming up, with two different bands, in the space of two days with two of my favourite musical men. (That's Zam and Foundry, by the way, not Al Jolsen and Jason Becker...)
We've been practicing hard and we're sounding really good. Considering the fact that we had to teach Lorenzo, our drummer who's never played drums before, all the songs in the space of six practices, I think we sound fucking awesome.
For those of you who haven't heard us we can be found here:
An Axe
Capuchin Or Kitano
I'm so looking forward to the gigs I can't even explain.
It sounds a bit like this though:
Right, I'm officially late for work now, so I will bid you farewell.
I'm gonna make an effort to get back into the swing of SG I promise.
That's more blogs, more meets, more meats......
What a relief. Was kind of worried that my account might've expired since my card was cancelled after some utter cuntbags cloned it and teefed all the cash outta my account.
Remind me to update my details sometime soon though, kay?
Either that or buy me a gift account if I forget?

Oh god I have a lot to write about.
I'm not even gonna look at the date of my last blog but Foundry & Zamuzel inform me it was a looooong time ago.
So theknives and I have our new place together and it's fantastic. I mean the place AND the together parts.
Tis nice to have our own little haven of movie watching and wine drinking.
She's yet to get too tired of me making off-colour jokes and singing at the top of my lungs, so all is good!

Love that lady.
Life is pretty busy at the moment, but I kind of like it that way.
I'm sure y'all know by now that I have two gigs coming up, with two different bands, in the space of two days with two of my favourite musical men. (That's Zam and Foundry, by the way, not Al Jolsen and Jason Becker...)
We've been practicing hard and we're sounding really good. Considering the fact that we had to teach Lorenzo, our drummer who's never played drums before, all the songs in the space of six practices, I think we sound fucking awesome.
For those of you who haven't heard us we can be found here:
An Axe
Capuchin Or Kitano
I'm so looking forward to the gigs I can't even explain.
It sounds a bit like this though:
Right, I'm officially late for work now, so I will bid you farewell.
I'm gonna make an effort to get back into the swing of SG I promise.
That's more blogs, more meets, more meats......
it is rather awesome here, I have to admit. But I am fed up with you singing at the top of your voice!

I think you should sing louder, so me and Mike can hear! thanks! (sorry claire!) x