I have SO much to write here, but unfortunately I also have so much to write in the real world as well!
I've taken on a project so huge that it takes every evening away from me in some form or another.
BUT I couldn't be happier right now!
For anyone that I haven't spouted off to, my project is being one of two content providers for GWR's Bristol Uploaded.
For anyone in the Bristol area who listens to the station and has heard the adverts on air, yes, that is my baby.
What it means is that practically every night I am out reviewing bands in Bristol, both local talent and the kind of things that GWR would never normally touch like Man Man, No Kids, Sunset Rubdown...
It also means that the nights I'm not out reviewing the bands, I'm at home writing the reviews.
I also do interviews, festival previews....
Like I say, there's only two of us on the project and we're working damn hard to make make sure it all comes together and is a success for the station.
I get to go to gigs for free and build a portfolio of writing with the backing of a respected commercial station.
We're currently looking for local bands to play the Harbour Festival too, as well as three gig nights that we get to programme at The Thekla.
The basis of the site is to unearth new local talent and document the side of the music scene here that most commercial radio listeners wouldnt get to hear about.
All my writings (mine are the ones about more leftfield bands if they don't have my name on it, hers are the chart pop ones) can be found here...
I also got to go to Dot To Dot festival to review at stand at the front of the stage for Santogold. Who was freaking amazing!
The other reason I'm so happy is that in two months time theknives will be moving to Bristol!!!
We'll be taking a place on from August but since my lease doesn't run out here until September she'll be living wherever we find by herself for a bit while I move my things over piece by piece.
The poor girl doesn't know what she's let herself in for, but I'm not about to let her know....
Right at this very moment she should hopefully be beavering away in Marks & Spencers, scrabbling around in the 20% off homewear sale getting me a griddle pan and a block of knives...
...I've always wanted a block of knives....
So yes, life is pretty good. Now back to the writing desk...
I've taken on a project so huge that it takes every evening away from me in some form or another.
BUT I couldn't be happier right now!
For anyone that I haven't spouted off to, my project is being one of two content providers for GWR's Bristol Uploaded.
For anyone in the Bristol area who listens to the station and has heard the adverts on air, yes, that is my baby.
What it means is that practically every night I am out reviewing bands in Bristol, both local talent and the kind of things that GWR would never normally touch like Man Man, No Kids, Sunset Rubdown...
It also means that the nights I'm not out reviewing the bands, I'm at home writing the reviews.
I also do interviews, festival previews....
Like I say, there's only two of us on the project and we're working damn hard to make make sure it all comes together and is a success for the station.
I get to go to gigs for free and build a portfolio of writing with the backing of a respected commercial station.
We're currently looking for local bands to play the Harbour Festival too, as well as three gig nights that we get to programme at The Thekla.
The basis of the site is to unearth new local talent and document the side of the music scene here that most commercial radio listeners wouldnt get to hear about.
All my writings (mine are the ones about more leftfield bands if they don't have my name on it, hers are the chart pop ones) can be found here...
I also got to go to Dot To Dot festival to review at stand at the front of the stage for Santogold. Who was freaking amazing!
The other reason I'm so happy is that in two months time theknives will be moving to Bristol!!!
We'll be taking a place on from August but since my lease doesn't run out here until September she'll be living wherever we find by herself for a bit while I move my things over piece by piece.
The poor girl doesn't know what she's let herself in for, but I'm not about to let her know....

Right at this very moment she should hopefully be beavering away in Marks & Spencers, scrabbling around in the 20% off homewear sale getting me a griddle pan and a block of knives...
...I've always wanted a block of knives....
So yes, life is pretty good. Now back to the writing desk...
Woot, this summer shall rock hard!