Does anyone else get to the stage with their blog where they've left it for so long there's a million things to say and it gets to the I just can't be arsed! stage??
My life seems to have been pretty non-stop at the moment.
theknives has been here for nearly two weeks and it's been absolutely perfect.
We've had adventures, tasted wine, eaten a ton of awesome food and watched movies/peepshow galore.
She also bought me a crate of wine for my birthday.
Girl knows me too well!
I had a fucking awesome birthday as well. Thanks so much to everyone who came along. Not even turning their chin into a new mouth stopped some people from having a good time.
I think Bristol once again set the party standard.
I will do a full blog with photos at some point. (I went camera crazy and have loads)
But yeah, love all you guys for coming to celebrate with me.
What else, what else?
Well I started my new job. It's great so far. I think they trust me and know that I am capable. They gave me work to do on my first day and everything. I get to email scientific institutes all over the world and I actually, geekily enough, find that quite interesting!
I think I'm going to be very happy there.
Also - Fopp is stealing all my money. So far I've bought: Pantera- Vulgar Display and Far Beyond Driven, Iggy Pop - The Idiot, Wire - On Returning, David Bowie - Stage live double CD, Prince- For You, and The Best Of Devo. Not to mention Peep Show series 4 and a Richard Pryor double box set.
It's been open a week....
Finally - My podcast practice has been going exceptionally well. Our producer told me that I 'have it' and I could be on the radio properly tomorrow. I was shocked as all I do is talk geeky shit about music I like into a microphone for a couple of hours, but apparently that's good enough!!
OH and An Axe will soon be a step closer to musical world domination.
Not that I'm mstrumming my own ukulele or anything....
And in addition - my extended SGUK family are the greatest.
That is all...
My life seems to have been pretty non-stop at the moment.
theknives has been here for nearly two weeks and it's been absolutely perfect.
We've had adventures, tasted wine, eaten a ton of awesome food and watched movies/peepshow galore.
She also bought me a crate of wine for my birthday.
Girl knows me too well!
I had a fucking awesome birthday as well. Thanks so much to everyone who came along. Not even turning their chin into a new mouth stopped some people from having a good time.

I think Bristol once again set the party standard.
I will do a full blog with photos at some point. (I went camera crazy and have loads)
But yeah, love all you guys for coming to celebrate with me.
What else, what else?
Well I started my new job. It's great so far. I think they trust me and know that I am capable. They gave me work to do on my first day and everything. I get to email scientific institutes all over the world and I actually, geekily enough, find that quite interesting!
I think I'm going to be very happy there.
Also - Fopp is stealing all my money. So far I've bought: Pantera- Vulgar Display and Far Beyond Driven, Iggy Pop - The Idiot, Wire - On Returning, David Bowie - Stage live double CD, Prince- For You, and The Best Of Devo. Not to mention Peep Show series 4 and a Richard Pryor double box set.
It's been open a week....
Finally - My podcast practice has been going exceptionally well. Our producer told me that I 'have it' and I could be on the radio properly tomorrow. I was shocked as all I do is talk geeky shit about music I like into a microphone for a couple of hours, but apparently that's good enough!!
OH and An Axe will soon be a step closer to musical world domination.
Not that I'm mstrumming my own ukulele or anything....
And in addition - my extended SGUK family are the greatest.
That is all...
Any other jewels?