It's pretty early in the AM but I just had to document the strangeness of my sleeping brainmeats last night.
I know sometimes there's nothing worse than hearing someone chat on and on about their oh so crazy dreams but these were pretty damn special.
Sometimes I love my subconscious...
DREAM A: I am visiting the house of a partially sighted workmate of mine. I walk in to his dingy flat and see tell him I've bought him a gift. A cactus. I look around and see his place is literally covered in them.
"Oh that's lucky" I say, "I obviously made the right choice!"
"What do you mean?" He asks, perplexed.
"The cactus. I mean, you obviously love them"
He looks at me like I'm a fucking moron.
"No. Why would you say that? I'v never even seen one before."
DREAM B: I am the makeup artist on the set of a new George Lucas sci-fi epic. Everyone I know keeps turning up to visit me and it's seriously pissing George off. At one point my mum tries to peel the dealership transfer off the back of his hire-car. I slap her hand away.
"Who is that?!" George demands.
"It's my mum. Sorry" I reply.
"Sorry?!" he shouts. "She's not my fucking mother! She means nothing to me!"
DREAM C: Zamuzel and I are out shopping. It's some olde worlde place that I've never been to before. We walk into a cluttered antique/thrift store with a fellow in possession of the finest, whitest, curly endedest moustache behind the counter.
We're walking around for a bit before Zam hears this awesome music playing.
"What's that sound?! It's fucking awesome! We need that sound for the new album!"
He turns round to find the sound is me. Playing a suit.
Not a special magical suit. I have just, through trial and error, discovered that if you pluck the waistband and collar of this old pinstripe suit just right, it makes the most beautiful noise.
The suit costs 299.
We can't afford it.
We leave empty handed.
So there you have it. Just needed to get em down.
In other news theknives comes tomorrow for our belated valentine meal. I can't wait. That girl is all kind of awesome and I love her reet good.
Also: here is a video of me and my band live and rockin' onstage taken by my friend Jup. The sound doesn't quite capture the performance but it ain't bad neither.
Hope yous guyses are all good!
I know sometimes there's nothing worse than hearing someone chat on and on about their oh so crazy dreams but these were pretty damn special.
Sometimes I love my subconscious...
DREAM A: I am visiting the house of a partially sighted workmate of mine. I walk in to his dingy flat and see tell him I've bought him a gift. A cactus. I look around and see his place is literally covered in them.
"Oh that's lucky" I say, "I obviously made the right choice!"
"What do you mean?" He asks, perplexed.
"The cactus. I mean, you obviously love them"
He looks at me like I'm a fucking moron.
"No. Why would you say that? I'v never even seen one before."
DREAM B: I am the makeup artist on the set of a new George Lucas sci-fi epic. Everyone I know keeps turning up to visit me and it's seriously pissing George off. At one point my mum tries to peel the dealership transfer off the back of his hire-car. I slap her hand away.
"Who is that?!" George demands.
"It's my mum. Sorry" I reply.
"Sorry?!" he shouts. "She's not my fucking mother! She means nothing to me!"
DREAM C: Zamuzel and I are out shopping. It's some olde worlde place that I've never been to before. We walk into a cluttered antique/thrift store with a fellow in possession of the finest, whitest, curly endedest moustache behind the counter.
We're walking around for a bit before Zam hears this awesome music playing.
"What's that sound?! It's fucking awesome! We need that sound for the new album!"
He turns round to find the sound is me. Playing a suit.
Not a special magical suit. I have just, through trial and error, discovered that if you pluck the waistband and collar of this old pinstripe suit just right, it makes the most beautiful noise.
The suit costs 299.
We can't afford it.
We leave empty handed.
So there you have it. Just needed to get em down.
In other news theknives comes tomorrow for our belated valentine meal. I can't wait. That girl is all kind of awesome and I love her reet good.
Also: here is a video of me and my band live and rockin' onstage taken by my friend Jup. The sound doesn't quite capture the performance but it ain't bad neither.
Hope yous guyses are all good!
my wife had a dream about frozen Mongolians falling out of the sky the other day, now that's weird
i wish will smith was my older blacker brother