I'm Back!
Wazzup biatches?! I've finally returned after a shitty month. From finals to breaking up with my girl, I'm still recovering from the horror. Yeah, my girl just stopped coming to school and we didn't speak for a month. I finally got in touch with her and asked her what happened and she said that she dropped out of school and was working full time. She said she was sorry for not calling me to let me know. It's cool b/c I was gonna break it off anyway (cause there's this hot guitarist I'm interested in) but I just thought it was fucked up the way she handled the whole thing.
Anyway, other than that, I'm enjoying some well deserved time off.
I'm gonna take this time to work out and get my ass into shape before my sex-filled weekend trip in February.
I'll be more diligent about entries during January, promise.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Wazzup biatches?! I've finally returned after a shitty month. From finals to breaking up with my girl, I'm still recovering from the horror. Yeah, my girl just stopped coming to school and we didn't speak for a month. I finally got in touch with her and asked her what happened and she said that she dropped out of school and was working full time. She said she was sorry for not calling me to let me know. It's cool b/c I was gonna break it off anyway (cause there's this hot guitarist I'm interested in) but I just thought it was fucked up the way she handled the whole thing.
Anyway, other than that, I'm enjoying some well deserved time off.

I'll be more diligent about entries during January, promise.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Kristina, I don't know if you remember me but, I always thought you were awsome, and, one of the smartest, most talented kids at school. So, with that said, I'm glad to see you're also on SG
P.s. if Rimler came on to you, you have MORE of my respect, because he was really effing cool... Especially because he loved U2...
Okay, Okay, enough abotu High School, promise
Haha, I know of all the places I see people it's SG! You, Irina, my neighbor from my dorm-- crazy!