Yesterday was the day, I finally got my tattoo and its beautiful. I love it. Its still raw but it looks fan-fucking-tastic! (Look at my next photoset for pics of it.) I went downtown to Addiction NYC and I brought my mom thinking she would get a tat also but she decided not too. (Oh well, theres always next time.) So I go in, Jim sketches it, and I wait for him to set up. I eventually go in, lie on the black leather table, and he gets to work. Wondering about the pain was worse than the pain itself. It only hurt when he went over the bone. It felt like a vibrating pen pressing into me with uncomfortable force. As I lay on the table I realized that I was kind of enjoying the sensation of the needle, the vibrations, and the touch of Jims hands on me. I havent had sex with a man in a while (for various reasons) and it felt good to be touched. The smell of the rubber gloves he was wearing was also turning me on. So I laid there on that black leather table with Johnny Cash playing in the background inhaling the scent of rubber gloves, getting stabbed over and over with a needle, and getting wet the whole time. I tell you, there are certainly worst ways to spend a Sunday afternoon. Now whenever I touch my tattoo, even just to clean it, I think back to the leather, rubber, and Jims warm hands.
Today was less eventful. I bought my books for school cause it starts Friday and I still havent completely paid for my classes yet. I also did a bit of painting.
Id like to end this entry with a funny story, something amusing that happened to me yesterday. It might gross you out but fucking deal with it and just laugh. I just finished my period yesterday. After I got my tattoo I went to the bathroom to change my tampon. So I popped it in, cause I was kind of in a hurry, and left. Four hours later I get ready to change it again. So I pull on the string and when I do I realize I forgot to take the other one out. I ended up pulling out 2 tampons. Fucking sick. But I did laugh my ass off at my own stupidity.

Today was less eventful. I bought my books for school cause it starts Friday and I still havent completely paid for my classes yet. I also did a bit of painting.
Id like to end this entry with a funny story, something amusing that happened to me yesterday. It might gross you out but fucking deal with it and just laugh. I just finished my period yesterday. After I got my tattoo I went to the bathroom to change my tampon. So I popped it in, cause I was kind of in a hurry, and left. Four hours later I get ready to change it again. So I pull on the string and when I do I realize I forgot to take the other one out. I ended up pulling out 2 tampons. Fucking sick. But I did laugh my ass off at my own stupidity.
if there was a *real* suicide boys section of this site and not just the board, i guarantee i'd have some of the most gnarly sets.