Missy responds to feedback here.
This was posted yesterday in the Beta Testing group:
s5 said:
Don't worry, better bookmarks support will be coming back. This was an oversight on our part, so we'll put up something simple to hold you over until it comes back with a vengeance.
Oh man, oh, man, oh man...
I'm truly fascinated by people's reactions to the site change! There are LOTS of things about it that bother me, but I do like a few of the new features. I think it is overly feminine in color - like I'm trapped in a Playtex or Massengil Douche commercial. I can't imagine that the boys appreciate this color scheme.
I've been reading reactions on the boards and people are getting zotted all of the place. People are PISSED!
It really is a different site. I think a lot of people will leave, and that's unfortunate, as I am here for the peeps. I joined after SG 3.0, so I don't know how members reacted to the change from 2.0. I'm sure it was pretty much the same...
A lot of people are saying that it's like MySpace, but the only similarity I see is that top 5 friends deal. I'm not going to use it; I'll let it randomely generate my top 5.
I haven't been too excited about SG lately anyway, but I think it's role in my life is just evolving. It's not necessarily anything the "Powers That Be" are doing.
I'm totally rambling now...
Anyway, I totally respect the fact that some people aren't interested in participating for their own personal reasons, or tastes. I'm just going to wait for the dust to settle before I decide if I'm going to leave or not. I think they're still working out the whole "bookmark" thing, and I'm sure some other mods will be made as bugs come out.
Love, Kiki