Ok, so this ProScout people are having an open call in my area for modelling and what not..they *say* that all these scouts from big modellling agencies will be there like Ford, and Willemina etc...so if thats true..thats so awesome!! I hope something good comes out of it, and its not some scam to take your money, which is usually what those things are..They hype you up telling you that you are the next Kate Moss or some shit, and then they say you gotta pay mucho amounts of money to them to make you. I will seriously kick someones ass there if I hear something as retarded as that again!! :: gets in kung fu mode:: Im tough as nails, so they best watch out! haha
Everyone tell Stacie to come see me this weekend! heehee
Everyone tell Stacie to come see me this weekend! heehee

Good luck on the modeling thing, dahling! I hope that modeling agency is a really lovely one!! You certainly make a very gorgeous (and tough) model!
I just got an invite to one model agency's "recruit gathering", but it's on Saturday, and I don't have the money to travel there plus pay for the model photo file right now.. *groan*
How was your weekend? Stacie come visit?