hey everyone. so on monday i was skateboarding and i was a little drunk... or maybe alot drunk. but needless to say i fell... broke my elbow annnd sprained my wrist!
i have never broke anything on my body in my life so i didnt even know it was broken. after i fell i got right back on the board and starting skating again.... and my arm hurt, but it wasnt anything serious. so i drove myself home with my broken arm driving stick! then went to bed and by the time i woke up yesterday morning i knew something wasnt right because i couldnt move my arm enough to put my clothes on, or even brush my hair
im a hairdresser and im right handed so breaking my right hand is a huuuuge problem. o well.... i got a long ass vacaton now.

Ouch indeed girl i broke my ankleonce and that was enough

VW, glasses, Pretty eyes
= weak knees