life is crazy. just when you think things are ok everything falls around you. i love bagels and cream cheese a little too much. im tired of controlling people and my boss yelling at me about money. i love huge cans of sugar free red bull. I LOVE miss van!!!!
I'm loosing my voice and don't feel like going to work. My car insurance is due TODAY and I'm mailing it out as soon as I leave for work which my boyfriend keeps telling me not to do. I can't wait till spring. My friend asked me if she could borrow clothes to go to florida and I barely have any that I can wear as it is. Besides, "borrow" means "have" to my friends. And I'm too damn broke to be giving away my clothes. My sister calls me this morning on a rampage about how my other sister she lives with is moving and leaving her with nowhere to go. I wanna go jogging. I love piggy banks! Someone took my parking spot in the lot at my complex and their car hasn't moved in about a week! BULLSHIT.

I'm loosing my voice and don't feel like going to work. My car insurance is due TODAY and I'm mailing it out as soon as I leave for work which my boyfriend keeps telling me not to do. I can't wait till spring. My friend asked me if she could borrow clothes to go to florida and I barely have any that I can wear as it is. Besides, "borrow" means "have" to my friends. And I'm too damn broke to be giving away my clothes. My sister calls me this morning on a rampage about how my other sister she lives with is moving and leaving her with nowhere to go. I wanna go jogging. I love piggy banks! Someone took my parking spot in the lot at my complex and their car hasn't moved in about a week! BULLSHIT.

i live to entice you.

Wow! I just have your life flashed in front of my eyes. Sh!t, now I can't see anything~!!