Ok so this week I am soooo excited to get some new tatts. On the top of my feeeet. Another x'mas prestent from my boy. And I cannot wait!
I'll have pics up as soon as that happens. Hope all of you had a good x'mas yesterday. I did. I got alot of cool shit. And gift cards to my fav. stores. New tatts, new clothes.. got the newest Burburry perfume from my boy. It smells soooo good! Sucks that I didn't get any extra time off this year. I think I might take off this Friday to go out with my girls Dominique and Jill so we can go out to lunch and I'll do their extentions and dye their hair and shit for New Years Eve. I hope the new year is better than last year. As long as I have new car insurance other than the one I'm with now I'll b ok. haha. Can't wait for the tattoo convention in Philly in Feb. Suicide Girls are gonna b there
1st of the month every month theres volkswagen gtg's that me and my friends go to. good times. Once it gets warmer out thats when all the fun begins.
Heres a cool pic.

thanks for the testimonial! seeing your pretty face at the top of my list makes me

we talked on aim before, but you stoped talking to me