update one of my friends sent this to Proctor and Gamble, the manufacturers of the fine Always pad. She told them they could look at it with humor, or as legitimate consumer feedback - that it was meant as both. I will keep you posted on their reply.
Ok, I have a question to the women out there. Who else uses Always pads and have noticed the saying on the anti stick tab?
For those of you who have not read this, or those lucky enough not to have to use this product, let me enlighten you. The tab protector reads and I quote "Have a Happy period. "
Now I am sorry, but a HAPPY PERIOD, WTF?
Let me tell you what I thought when I read that today. A HAPPY PERIOD.... why write anything on this strip of plastic. It is an insult, a happy period.
Come on, when you feel like your insides are falling out when you stand up, and the cramps make you want to go to bed. Your attitude is so bad everyone is running from you so you won't kill them,while you wonder if you will last in the same clothes all day having to wear a sweater around your waist until you can run home and hope no one notices before or after.
The products we have to use so we can go out in public during this time, if they say anything should be wisdom ridden, such as "tread lightly for here is a woman on the edge." or " the answer is YES she does want to kill you when she gives you that what are you thinking look." But have a happy period, oh my God.... NO. Who ever this genius is who came up with this ultimate insult to woman should be shot, for HE has no idea from which HE writes. I may be going out on a limb here, but I am guessing HE is single, and has never been around a woman on her period. I know lucky him... but seriously, WHAT WAS HE THINKING. If he ever hopes to get laid by a woman in his life time, if I were him I would NEVER tell her I wrote that.
Ok, I know what you are thinking ... KRISS I hear Midol calling, and don't worry I took one an hour ago! ( good thing, huh!) imagine if I had not taken it!
why aren't you on my friends list any more? 

Congratulations on the 8 lbs! From the pix I've seen, you didn't need to lose it, but I'm sure you feel great.
Actually, the last Purgatory I went to was my very first one, so I'm kind of eager for this next one, especially since I may be doing "stuff"
for them at a later date...so I want to be prepared.