This isolation has kept me awake to upwards of noon before I pass out. I couldn't take it yesterday and showed up at James' place at 6:15am and made him go out for coffee with me.
I haven't been eating much these last few days. Which I guess is fine since I have a summer of eating out and booze to burn off my gut. And then some.
I noticed the first leaves of fall on the sidewalk, dropped by the few scattered and confused maples that are floating around. Tomorrow's high is 70. I am immensely happy because of this.
Kristine said she'd pay my way at Ren Fest next Sunday, so I'm super excited for that. And then Heather tonight asked me if I wanted to fly out with her to Vegas to see Depeche Mode. I reminded her how broke I was and she asks me "What if money wasn't an issue?"
In other news, my buddies Corwin and Kristine got married. That was very strange. And I guess you could sorta say it's my fault 'cause I got them back in contact again. Here's Kristine, Corwin, and his momsy. Corwin left last Thursday for sad.
I had to waste the rest of the roll after the wedding and took an okay picture of Onyx.

I haven't been eating much these last few days. Which I guess is fine since I have a summer of eating out and booze to burn off my gut. And then some.
I noticed the first leaves of fall on the sidewalk, dropped by the few scattered and confused maples that are floating around. Tomorrow's high is 70. I am immensely happy because of this.
Kristine said she'd pay my way at Ren Fest next Sunday, so I'm super excited for that. And then Heather tonight asked me if I wanted to fly out with her to Vegas to see Depeche Mode. I reminded her how broke I was and she asks me "What if money wasn't an issue?"
In other news, my buddies Corwin and Kristine got married. That was very strange. And I guess you could sorta say it's my fault 'cause I got them back in contact again. Here's Kristine, Corwin, and his momsy. Corwin left last Thursday for sad.

I had to waste the rest of the roll after the wedding and took an okay picture of Onyx.

Aww cute kitty! I love cats. Shit I'm getting married myself in a week.... pray for me. Hope everything's gotten at least a little better for ya. Naptime. Cellar door