I am not happy. Not one bit. In fact, I've been down right depressed.
My job? It should be a full time position. It was advertised as such. It paid well. I have yet to work 80 hours a pay period (which was what was promised). This pay period there will be five hours on my pay check.. That's about $60. That's the last check before rent.
Unemployment? It's not coming. Apparently if you gross $200, you make too much to qualify. They sent me a statement with how much was deducted out of my account and would be sent to me, but a week later I still had no check. I checked the website and it said I made too much money. What the flying fuck? THANKS.
I live from paycheck to paycheck. Rent is due in exactly two weeks.
I'm fucked.
I'm a strong believer in Karma, but I can't help but think that the shitheads who do this to me month after month after month slip on through the cracks and never get what's coming to them.
I've been trying for weeks to get this whole temp job situation in gear. No one's doing anything to hire me, even though they need the temp. And now it's too late.
I don't know what to do. I'm so scared. I'd rather die than move back with my parents.
My job? It should be a full time position. It was advertised as such. It paid well. I have yet to work 80 hours a pay period (which was what was promised). This pay period there will be five hours on my pay check.. That's about $60. That's the last check before rent.
Unemployment? It's not coming. Apparently if you gross $200, you make too much to qualify. They sent me a statement with how much was deducted out of my account and would be sent to me, but a week later I still had no check. I checked the website and it said I made too much money. What the flying fuck? THANKS.
I live from paycheck to paycheck. Rent is due in exactly two weeks.
I'm fucked.
I'm a strong believer in Karma, but I can't help but think that the shitheads who do this to me month after month after month slip on through the cracks and never get what's coming to them.
I've been trying for weeks to get this whole temp job situation in gear. No one's doing anything to hire me, even though they need the temp. And now it's too late.
I don't know what to do. I'm so scared. I'd rather die than move back with my parents.
You could always move here and work at the casinos! Glad to see you're back at any rate. I hear ya about living paycheck to paycheck IT'S CRAP!!! And I pay rent every week so I know exactly what you're going through. I go back to work full time (20 hrs a week is as full time as you can get teaching dance) on Tuesday and hoping to actually make real money. That is if all my classes run as scheduled.... On an optimistic side, maybe you've hit rock bottom and the only way to go from there is up. Keep your head up. Cellar door