That's my new kitty, Onyx. He's like a needy child that you can pet. And he made me insanely broke this paycheck with vet bills, but he's good for the year now.
Government shut-down = me with no job for two weeks. Right when I got back on my feet, too...figures.

Maps, eh. I used to do technical drawing (w/Freehand) for Kwik-Sew Pattern Company (sewing patterns) in Mpls ... when I left, the woman who took over for me had been working doing maps, in her previous job. That job was the most boring thing I have ever done for a living...
I'm doing web stuff now, all front-end, Flash and HTML production. It's challenging and always changing, so I don't get bored.
Yeah I've been outta work (2 week vacation after the recital) AND LOVING IT! Except we're as broke as I dunno what and that kinda sucks having to pay rent and all, but the relaxation has been nice. Makes me miss my kitties..... Cellar door
[Edited on Jun 30, 2005 11:26AM]