blargh!! check my new pics of mah girls

i do remember reading that board topic!
my husband would like to know what the length of the sitting usually is when you get tattooed with that reaction and also, do you heal slow or fast? do you have a good immune system? it could be the trauma of cutting your skin open instead of the ingredients in the ink. also, though, some inks have metals and some have plastics so it could be that as well. how about before a tattoo are you all sweaty and excited and nervous?? do you have allergies to avocados or kiwis or bananas? those would also most likely mean you have a latex allergy as well. have you ever been tattooed with vinyl nitrate gloves? or, the tape? maybe the glue in the tape you may be allergic to? paper tape solves that. it also could be an allergic reaction to the cleaners like greensoap and such. are you allergic to any detergents or soaps?? i know its a lot of possibilites and im sorry but maybe that may help...

ps..good luck on the photoshoot