howdy ya'll, im trying to git my pics on the updated journal and i am lost. ripitupandrun did it for me lastime. any suggestions or instruction 4 me?? i KNOW cin knows what to do
having trouble w the folders too. prob need to fix the image sizing. off to shop and latas drink me some alcohol. just found out that my dyke ex is dating my ex-boyfriend that i never fukt cuz he has the biggest cock! he always made fun of her myspace profile when we were dating. now look at them. she is soooo single white female!!! always was!! ewe! she is sooo gay too, what tha fuk!! its awesome. he's gonna split her in 2!!
i don't kno why i even try to date boys, it's prob cuz i can tell them anything and not care if it hurts their feelings or not. well, sometimez.

to get pics in your journal...first they have to be uploaded into a folder (under 100k) or if you have one of those online photo accounts, in there. after you have it in an folder, right click the picture and go to properties. the address for the pic (make sure its not a thumbnail but a jpg at the end of the address) then when you update the journal you click on image next to the icons and put the address in there. that should work and i hope it wasnt too confusing.