The SGB was amazing! My favorite performances were Reagan and Ravenisis' James Bond/Goldfinger number and Stormy's solo one, set the music of "You Shook Me All Night Long".
I brought my friend Sandi along and she had a blast. When Stormy was on stage she went up to Sandi, grabbed her by the head and thrust her crotch in her face. However, she went a bit too far forward and Sandi got some Stormy IN TEH FASE!!!!!!!111one.
Poor Stormy felt bad about it and asked if Sandi was ok. She was more than okay, she was exhilirated.
We were way up front for the whole show, especially the administering of the chocolate sauce and whip cream.
Sicily grabbed a hold of me and gave me a generous dose of sauce...IN TEH FASE!!!!1111one. (ok I promise I'll stop
My friend Sandi will be joining the site very soon. For now I would like to introduce you all to a new member who is a very good friend of mine. I met Chex314 in school. She just graduated and scraped together some cash to join the site. So everyone go say hi to her!
On an unrelated note, Kestrel told me my new profile pic is Danny Elfman-esque. Savier said it made me look like Tarantino. Now how is it that I can look like not one, but two movie industry bigshots and still not be able to get a date?
Oh yeah, probaaaaably because I'm not a movie industry bigshot.
I brought my friend Sandi along and she had a blast. When Stormy was on stage she went up to Sandi, grabbed her by the head and thrust her crotch in her face. However, she went a bit too far forward and Sandi got some Stormy IN TEH FASE!!!!!!!111one.
Poor Stormy felt bad about it and asked if Sandi was ok. She was more than okay, she was exhilirated.

We were way up front for the whole show, especially the administering of the chocolate sauce and whip cream.

My friend Sandi will be joining the site very soon. For now I would like to introduce you all to a new member who is a very good friend of mine. I met Chex314 in school. She just graduated and scraped together some cash to join the site. So everyone go say hi to her!

On an unrelated note, Kestrel told me my new profile pic is Danny Elfman-esque. Savier said it made me look like Tarantino. Now how is it that I can look like not one, but two movie industry bigshots and still not be able to get a date?
Oh yeah, probaaaaably because I'm not a movie industry bigshot.

Im telling you bro, full Tarantino!

updated as promised