Caution: Rant Ahead
She has this energy that pulls death towards her. Unfortunately, its not her own death, Marilyn Manson on Courtney Love
I'm listening to Quicksand's "Delusional" right now and the lyrics made me think of Courtney Love and her recent train wreck circus acts.
Waaaaaay back in the early 90's, Hole released Live Through This. While I don't own this album, it's my been obervation that it struck a major chord in the minds and hearts of many young girls and women across the nation; particularly the ones that were weary from males who wanted to get in their pants and cared for little else. You could hear the anguish in her crackling vocals and the mix was heavy on the reverb, making Love sound like she chained up and singing at the bottom of a pit.
Back then, Courtney had something to say, and it touched base with many listeners. Nowadays she's just putting on a parade for her train wreck of a life. In the song "Celebrity Skin" she sang "You want a part of me?/Well I won't sell it cheap." Isn't it ironic she's doing just that?
"Not even the mighty Billy Corgan could save this record!" - Henry Rollins commenting on Corgans involvement in the writing and recording of Celebrity Skin.
Going off on a bit of a tangent, a friend of mine said that she interpreted the Smashing Pumpkins song "Love" to be about when he dated Courtney (WHY BILLY? WHY?). I'm afraid she might have a point there. Especially when you consider the lyrics "Her vacant rush is so steel/I'm unaware/Lost inside your visions/--/Love, love, it's who you know/When I lost my mind, I knew I was in for a long ride...". (my deepest apologies to those for whom I may have ruined this song). I'll never forget this story I read about how the Smashing Pumpkins opened for Hole at a small club somewhere and blew them off stage so hard Courtney didn't want to go on after them. She was yelling at the promoter saying "I'm not going on after that!". By the time the Pumpkins had rocked the faces off of the crowd, most of them had left the venue. Hole got on stage to find the club mostly empty accept for Corgan and a few others who were watching up front. *insert evil laughter here*
On yet another brief tangent, though Dave Grohl would never admit it publicly, there are not one but two Foo Fighters songs about Courtney: "I'll Stick Around" ("How can it be that I'm the only one who sees your rehearsed insanity?") and "Stacked Actors" ("And they all died blonde!").
Back on topic now: Courtney is finished, done, kaput. She has nothing new or meaningful to say. She used to at least make some girls and women feel empowered to a certain degree. Now she is become what she railed against on Live Through This.
Her solo album is weak. Even her swipe at Strokes singer Julian Casablancas is half assed. Just try to wrap your head around this retarded lyric: "I see Paris, I see France/Oh, I can see your underpants Oh, I see Paris, I see France/Oh, I hear London calling". Exactly how a Clash reference is supposed to work in a song called "But Julian, I'm A Little Older Than You", I have no fucking clue. I don't feel sorry for Julian or his lame ass band. I'm wondering why on earth would he hit that when tons of cute indie rock chicks would love to jump his scrawny bones. Idiot
Delusional/Im not impressed/You want to tell me so bad who is on your guest list tonight/Well I dont care/Save it for one of your other friends or your many fans/--/We dont care who you know/Its too bad that you think so/Next time you drop a name/save it for one of your other friends or your many fans/Delusional/Im not impressed/Illusional lies you tell best/and you want me to know, but I cant hear at all. Quicksand
Ill never forget brief interview snippet I saw on TV with the lovely and talented Shirley Manson of Gargbage. She said she was a huge Hole fan and she admired how Love spoke from the very depths of despair. I wish there were more like her: fighters, warriors..etc. Oh my dearest Shirley, you've got it wrong doll, all wrong.
In conclusion there is only one sensible answer to dealing with Ms. Love.....tie her up and feed her to a a real female rock warrior: CANDACE KUCSULAIN FROM WALLS OF JERICHO!!!!
She has this energy that pulls death towards her. Unfortunately, its not her own death, Marilyn Manson on Courtney Love
I'm listening to Quicksand's "Delusional" right now and the lyrics made me think of Courtney Love and her recent train wreck circus acts.
Waaaaaay back in the early 90's, Hole released Live Through This. While I don't own this album, it's my been obervation that it struck a major chord in the minds and hearts of many young girls and women across the nation; particularly the ones that were weary from males who wanted to get in their pants and cared for little else. You could hear the anguish in her crackling vocals and the mix was heavy on the reverb, making Love sound like she chained up and singing at the bottom of a pit.
Back then, Courtney had something to say, and it touched base with many listeners. Nowadays she's just putting on a parade for her train wreck of a life. In the song "Celebrity Skin" she sang "You want a part of me?/Well I won't sell it cheap." Isn't it ironic she's doing just that?
"Not even the mighty Billy Corgan could save this record!" - Henry Rollins commenting on Corgans involvement in the writing and recording of Celebrity Skin.
Going off on a bit of a tangent, a friend of mine said that she interpreted the Smashing Pumpkins song "Love" to be about when he dated Courtney (WHY BILLY? WHY?). I'm afraid she might have a point there. Especially when you consider the lyrics "Her vacant rush is so steel/I'm unaware/Lost inside your visions/--/Love, love, it's who you know/When I lost my mind, I knew I was in for a long ride...". (my deepest apologies to those for whom I may have ruined this song). I'll never forget this story I read about how the Smashing Pumpkins opened for Hole at a small club somewhere and blew them off stage so hard Courtney didn't want to go on after them. She was yelling at the promoter saying "I'm not going on after that!". By the time the Pumpkins had rocked the faces off of the crowd, most of them had left the venue. Hole got on stage to find the club mostly empty accept for Corgan and a few others who were watching up front. *insert evil laughter here*
On yet another brief tangent, though Dave Grohl would never admit it publicly, there are not one but two Foo Fighters songs about Courtney: "I'll Stick Around" ("How can it be that I'm the only one who sees your rehearsed insanity?") and "Stacked Actors" ("And they all died blonde!").
Back on topic now: Courtney is finished, done, kaput. She has nothing new or meaningful to say. She used to at least make some girls and women feel empowered to a certain degree. Now she is become what she railed against on Live Through This.
Her solo album is weak. Even her swipe at Strokes singer Julian Casablancas is half assed. Just try to wrap your head around this retarded lyric: "I see Paris, I see France/Oh, I can see your underpants Oh, I see Paris, I see France/Oh, I hear London calling". Exactly how a Clash reference is supposed to work in a song called "But Julian, I'm A Little Older Than You", I have no fucking clue. I don't feel sorry for Julian or his lame ass band. I'm wondering why on earth would he hit that when tons of cute indie rock chicks would love to jump his scrawny bones. Idiot
Delusional/Im not impressed/You want to tell me so bad who is on your guest list tonight/Well I dont care/Save it for one of your other friends or your many fans/--/We dont care who you know/Its too bad that you think so/Next time you drop a name/save it for one of your other friends or your many fans/Delusional/Im not impressed/Illusional lies you tell best/and you want me to know, but I cant hear at all. Quicksand
Ill never forget brief interview snippet I saw on TV with the lovely and talented Shirley Manson of Gargbage. She said she was a huge Hole fan and she admired how Love spoke from the very depths of despair. I wish there were more like her: fighters, warriors..etc. Oh my dearest Shirley, you've got it wrong doll, all wrong.
In conclusion there is only one sensible answer to dealing with Ms. Love.....tie her up and feed her to a a real female rock warrior: CANDACE KUCSULAIN FROM WALLS OF JERICHO!!!!

Thanks bro! I was never much into 'Hole' or 'Courtney Love'. I still downloaded the new album though.

you do look like justin timberlake in that pic! I didn't want to say anything, but I've been dying to say that for months.
hope you don't hate me. looking like JT is not such a bad thing. *hugs* my lovely friend.