you know what would be really nice? like amazing? having my computer actually work. using my brother's computer while he sits behind me is kind of, shall we say, fucking annoying and retarded?
my computer could be fixed. it could be wonderful, and i would kiss it and hug it and make sweet, sweet love to it (as i normally do) if people weren't so goddamn selfish. i really am sick of putting up with other people.
and for what? what do i gain from this? absolutely nothing but headache and heartache. so i actually mean it this time. i am done with this kid. (unless he decides he'll be nice and come fix my computer. then i will be nice, until he leaves, that is.) he can go have fun with his screwed up relationship and find someone else to cheat with.
so there's goes my plans of ordering my schoolbooks and paying my bills and doing my homework. and yes, go ahead and say "well you can use so-and-so's computer" but do you realize how absolutely frustrating it is to try and do all the stuff you're used to be alone for while someone sits behind you?
i'm a big fat brat, and i really couldn't care less. ah yes, i also broke the wheelie thing on my mouse last night during a tantrum because my internet doesn't work. yes..i'm hotblooded and when things don't work, what do i do? throw them at the wall.
/end bitching.
have a pleasant labor day weekend. i know i will have one..staring at the wall.
my computer could be fixed. it could be wonderful, and i would kiss it and hug it and make sweet, sweet love to it (as i normally do) if people weren't so goddamn selfish. i really am sick of putting up with other people.
and for what? what do i gain from this? absolutely nothing but headache and heartache. so i actually mean it this time. i am done with this kid. (unless he decides he'll be nice and come fix my computer. then i will be nice, until he leaves, that is.) he can go have fun with his screwed up relationship and find someone else to cheat with.
so there's goes my plans of ordering my schoolbooks and paying my bills and doing my homework. and yes, go ahead and say "well you can use so-and-so's computer" but do you realize how absolutely frustrating it is to try and do all the stuff you're used to be alone for while someone sits behind you?
i'm a big fat brat, and i really couldn't care less. ah yes, i also broke the wheelie thing on my mouse last night during a tantrum because my internet doesn't work. yes..i'm hotblooded and when things don't work, what do i do? throw them at the wall.
/end bitching.
have a pleasant labor day weekend. i know i will have one..staring at the wall.
I can imagine your frustration, I hate someone watching me when I use the computer, doesn't really matter what I do, it's just like someone staring down in your notebook or at your papers in school. Mind your own business please. So, how is that computer problem coming along?