dorky and romantic event of sunday: watching 90s movies while discussing them online with
presidentnumber2. can't hardly wait and empire records have the best lines.
my name's not fucking warren!
anyone who does not enjoy these two classic films should be shot in the face. but i'm not violent or anything.
today was a beautiful day. the sun hurt my poor eyes but it was enjoyable nonetheless. i should have spent the day sitting in the park, but pretending that i'm actually writing a paper comparing FHM and Cosmo seemed more productive.
"well kristen people like me crawl into bed. people like you kind of fall into it."
as you can tell, i am procrastinating.
also, why does everyone assume i'm a boy?
a long list of little things in life that make me happy.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
1. coming home and putting your feet up.
2. the first cigarette of winter.
3. the first cigarette of spring.
4. being held by someone you know cares.
5. waking up before the world wakes up.
6. sitting in the park on a warm day.
7. a hot shower on a cold morning.
8. the easiness of conversation with a good friend.
9. meeting a friend for a drink.
10. laughing until it hurts.
11. pictures.
12. taking pictures.
13. strolling down memory lane.
14. long walks with good friends.
15. climbing into bed on a cold night.
16. cuddling with popples.
17. writing.
18. reading.
19. having other people appreciate your writing.
20. good music.
21. waking up in someone's arms.
22. when my mom cooks for me.
23. when anybody cooks for me.
24. genuine compliments.
25. meeting people who you immediately feel comfortable with.
26. old friends.
27. a monster hug from scott.
28. high fives.
29. knowing every line, every chord of a song/album.
30. dancing around in my room.
31. singing in the shower.
32. the way the early summer morning sun feels on your face.
33. the smell of cut grass.
34. the smell of spring.
35. getting a seat on the train home.
36. sitting outside my/your house all night talking and smoking.
37. the way the house feels when it's empty and i know no one's coming home.
38. the way the house feels when it's full of friends and family.
39. sunday morning softball. (until recently)
40. opening day of baseball.
41. sitting in the upper deck, right behind home at shea.
42. sitting in the field at shea.
43. the way your body feels when you're near someone you like.
44. acting like i'm still 8.
45. learning.
46. waking up to a good band playing every morning.
47. long walks by myself listening to music.
48. being appreciated.
49. cooking/baking for someone you care about.
50. when you have the same thought as someone else at the same time.
51. going through my grandparents things.
52. the smell of vanilla.
53. reading old letters.
54. coming home after being gone for days.
55. the moon.
56. the stars.
57. knowing i carry my grandparents with me at all times.
58. the comfortable mess of my room.
59. playing slugfest and laughing at how pokey reese has a billion homeruns.
60. old sweatshirts and sweatpants.
61. putting on my cons.
62. figuring out a problem.
63. understanding.
64. singing your favorite song with your favorite people.
65. having people you know you can call at anytime.
66. sunsets.
67. sunrises.
68. sharing secrets.
69. playing 20 questions.
70. inside jokes.
71. making other people laugh.
72. hugs.
73. cuddling.
74. finishing what you started.
75. a good concert.
76. knowing that he's out there somewhere.
77. those pictures of little kids doing grown-up things.
78. my weird us calendar.
79. post its.
80. remembering the feel of my grandparents porch on my barefeet.
81. the summer.
82. putting on my favorite outfit.
83. sharing ideas and thoughts.
84. old movies.
85. old home movies.
86. the smell of the beach.
87. how sand feels on your feet.
88. teaching someone how to do something.
89. knowing you made someone's day.
90. finding the perfect present for someone.
91. finding out weird coincidences.
92. the first beer of the night.
93. being kissed.