So i'm typing this pretty drunk but i'm starting to think that that i actually think more clearly when i'm a bit intoxicated. All of my natural thoughts come out more clearly, and are less filtered by my conciousness than they are when i'm really drunk. So I think more clearly but i'm definitely more "stupid" or whatever adjective applies. Because i will say anything and everything that comes to mind. For example i was in the passenger seat of my friend's car just a few minutes ago and i opened the door to drop some stuff in the mail and instead of just thinking to myself i should not step in the water along the curb i actually said it instead. Among a bunch of other random shit that came to mind. Maybe it's not that i'm more stupid i'm just more honest and expressive. Hmmm maybe i should just become a drunk and start writing or something. Wait the only problem there is that i have no talent at all and i really have nothing important to say. Hmmm maybe i should just go drink more and forget about everything!!! YESS!! BRILLIANTT!!!
Bleh i don't geel like spell checking. Hopefully this makes sense to someone.
Bleh i don't geel like spell checking. Hopefully this makes sense to someone.
and thanks....
so, how is the head this morning??