Tuesday Mar 16, 2004 Mar 15, 2004 0 Facebook Tweet Email My eyes hurt VIEW 6 of 6 COMMENTS stichomythia: Hey bud, haven't been able to be around much lately. Oh yeah, I've found that the best cure for sore eyes is to gouge them out...well, it worked for Oedipus, didn't it? Mar 16, 2004 stichomythia: No, you sir, are a genius. "Lots of alcohol, weed and hookers." It's so friggin simple. Memo to me: quit making shit more difficult than it needs to be. Mar 16, 2004
Oh yeah, I've found that the best cure for sore eyes is to gouge them out...well, it worked for Oedipus, didn't it?
"Lots of alcohol, weed and hookers."
It's so friggin simple.
Memo to me: quit making shit more difficult than it needs to be.