Wow, it seems lie a lifetime since my last much has happened in the last week. Last sunday my mate John split up with his girlfriend Ruth...who he has been seeing for 5 years..he phoned me up on sunday...certainly a phonecall i didnt ever expect to get.
To cut a long story short he is now homeless and doesnt have enough to sort aplace of his own out, so since I have 2 spare rooms hes gonna move in with me for the next few months..
It's wierd I was thinking of renting a room, but i couldnt face living with a stranger. It's gonna be cool if a little new, since i've never lived with another guy before..suddenly my home is a batchelor pad! Hopefully if we dont end up killing one another this should be a good laugh....i'm hopeing we might collaberate on some arty stuff..i wanna do some big stencils and hit portsmouth in the next few months (dark nights..horray!).
Apart from that this week has been really busy...went Geo-cacheing with Virgilcane, Dan and John on monday..then down the pub tues, cinema on wedneday and then went clubbing have also agreed to go to the ATP festival in december..phew
"This is a time in my life when everything is falling apart,
but at the same time it's all coming together.."
Entertain me with your bad or good experiances of living with flatmates....
To cut a long story short he is now homeless and doesnt have enough to sort aplace of his own out, so since I have 2 spare rooms hes gonna move in with me for the next few months..
It's wierd I was thinking of renting a room, but i couldnt face living with a stranger. It's gonna be cool if a little new, since i've never lived with another guy before..suddenly my home is a batchelor pad! Hopefully if we dont end up killing one another this should be a good laugh....i'm hopeing we might collaberate on some arty stuff..i wanna do some big stencils and hit portsmouth in the next few months (dark nights..horray!).
Apart from that this week has been really busy...went Geo-cacheing with Virgilcane, Dan and John on monday..then down the pub tues, cinema on wedneday and then went clubbing have also agreed to go to the ATP festival in december..phew
"This is a time in my life when everything is falling apart,
but at the same time it's all coming together.."
Entertain me with your bad or good experiances of living with flatmates....
my last roomate was a real ass so i cleaned the toilet with his toothbrush

so what did you think of the new zao album?? i am still not sure about it.. might have to listen to it a bit more i think!! .. so who are Mastadon and Black Dahlia Murder?? i haven't heard of them.. are they anything like zao??