Shit...2 months without an update....I wish I ciould give u guys something happpy, but I cant. Virgilcane R.I.P. I dont even know who will read this, but he was a cool guy, one of the good ones and its all gone to shit. Bye Noli... i pray it was an accident, cos anything else is a headfuck....My prayers are with Jim , Sarah, Dan and...
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Ug...sorry for not updating sooner. I got 1/2 way through typing one last week and then ran out of time lol.
Well I have been a busy bee. Unfortunatly the dillinger show fell thorough, but that was ok because 3 days later we saw the Feint who were totally awesome....we danced the night away.
That was just for starters...last weekend was the whole ATP festival,...
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Well I have been a busy bee. Unfortunatly the dillinger show fell thorough, but that was ok because 3 days later we saw the Feint who were totally awesome....we danced the night away.
That was just for starters...last weekend was the whole ATP festival,...
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good grief where are you?
oh well,
YOU HAVE BEEN SEXED! Spread the legs and go at it! Pick any of your friends who you think don't get much lovin' (or maybe they do!) and, SEX THEM! (you can copy and paste this message on their userpage!) This is for any one you think is hot! RULES: 1- You can sex the person who sexed you, of course. 2- You can sex the same person as many times as you can (c'mon, ENDURANCE)! Be creative!* 3- You -MUST- spread the sex! At least 1 fuck is fine and dandy! 4- You should sex in public! Be adventurous, damnit. Paste it on their user page so they feel slutty! 5- Random sex is perfectly okay! 6- Please, don't worry about same gender sexing, it's HOT. 7- You should most definately get started fuckin' right away! This is about showing everyone how much you care for them and HOW BAD YOU WANT THEIR ASS! Make everyone feel a little loved (and roughed up!) Please dont take this too personally, BUT I JUST FUCKED YOU!!!
YOU HAVE BEEN SEXED! Spread the legs and go at it! Pick any of your friends who you think don't get much lovin' (or maybe they do!) and, SEX THEM! (you can copy and paste this message on their userpage!) This is for any one you think is hot! RULES: 1- You can sex the person who sexed you, of course. 2- You can sex the same person as many times as you can (c'mon, ENDURANCE)! Be creative!* 3- You -MUST- spread the sex! At least 1 fuck is fine and dandy! 4- You should sex in public! Be adventurous, damnit. Paste it on their user page so they feel slutty! 5- Random sex is perfectly okay! 6- Please, don't worry about same gender sexing, it's HOT. 7- You should most definately get started fuckin' right away! This is about showing everyone how much you care for them and HOW BAD YOU WANT THEIR ASS! Make everyone feel a little loved (and roughed up!) Please dont take this too personally, BUT I JUST FUCKED YOU!!!
Weekend was good...Matilda (she has a new name ..its a long story lol) come back from london Sat night and we got drunk and went to chaos. Being drunk and touching = Good, Music at Chaos = bad...why oh why do we bother lol...these things are always better in a crowd.
Monday was a mixed afair...good cos I got a new haircut and dye job,...
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Monday was a mixed afair...good cos I got a new haircut and dye job,...
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Hey, thanks for letting kip on your couch and fight with your dog. Happy to return the favour anytime you wanna come up to the big smoke. Stay out of trouble, avoid pirates.


My life seems to rapidly be returning to a state of normality....a bit less drinking, a bit more sleeping...I guess it couldn't carry on forever lol.
Went ot a nice Italian last weekend. Italian = Tasty. Our waiter was mad...every thime he said something, he finished his sentance with some gibbereish. The only thing we made out was "where is bin laden?!!", he was a...
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Went ot a nice Italian last weekend. Italian = Tasty. Our waiter was mad...every thime he said something, he finished his sentance with some gibbereish. The only thing we made out was "where is bin laden?!!", he was a...
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Shit, just got round to reading my comments - Whadya mean TURNING emo on you. I was born this way
Yep everythings gonna be cool. -n

Yep everythings gonna be cool. -n
Yah... sounds like you are very happy with your grrl!!!
I hope she finds a new job so you can see each other more!! so what does she do??

Despite all the odds.....shes still here. I dont think i could explain to anyone else how we reached this point, only that after all was said and done we both found that more than anything we wanted to stay.
Some things are worth taking risks for...even your heart.
Some things are worth taking risks for...even your heart.
Went to a party on the 23rd, but stayed home with a sick little boy on Halloween. Not too exciting.
Did you do anything fun?
Did you do anything fun?
Okay, now you journal makes some sense.
Yeah, that's plenty eventful.

Yeah, that's plenty eventful.
Great the clocks went back...its 8 in the morning, after one of the best and worst nights of my life....ive had no sleep whatsoever....
"Of all the great inventions constructed from the unstoppable molecule, nothing can resolve it's magnetic impulse to club me into silence. You broke my heart before I had the chance to fall in love. What am I supposed to do? You...
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"Of all the great inventions constructed from the unstoppable molecule, nothing can resolve it's magnetic impulse to club me into silence. You broke my heart before I had the chance to fall in love. What am I supposed to do? You...
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Good choice of lyrics dude. "those singers always know, just what to say"
I hope everything sorts itself out for you.
I hope everything sorts itself out for you.
Well this has been an evenfull week...
I took half of it off to hang out with my friend Dan. Her brother/ sister in law are over from Australia. On mondaya we went clubbing, and drunk too much..the beer in the club was so shitty i felt awefull the next
Shes stayed round my house like 4 days this week, and we had to...
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I took half of it off to hang out with my friend Dan. Her brother/ sister in law are over from Australia. On mondaya we went clubbing, and drunk too much..the beer in the club was so shitty i felt awefull the next
Shes stayed round my house like 4 days this week, and we had to...
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First off:
To you and the awesome chicky!
2. My most favorite thing I own that I bought cheap is these pants. I call them my old man pants. They are a weird color blue and have a great story. Okay, ok, I'll tell you calm down! Story goes, I went to a garage sale when I was about 16 and there was this guy in his sixties wearing these pants. They're all weird color blue with orange stitching. He's trying to get me to buy other shit on his table and I keep eyeing his pants. Long story short i offer him $.25 for these pants he's wearing, (which i think his wife made), and they are now mine for a mere quarter!
To you and the awesome chicky!
2. My most favorite thing I own that I bought cheap is these pants. I call them my old man pants. They are a weird color blue and have a great story. Okay, ok, I'll tell you calm down! Story goes, I went to a garage sale when I was about 16 and there was this guy in his sixties wearing these pants. They're all weird color blue with orange stitching. He's trying to get me to buy other shit on his table and I keep eyeing his pants. Long story short i offer him $.25 for these pants he's wearing, (which i think his wife made), and they are now mine for a mere quarter!
my ballerina slipper looking shoes. they were cheap but even cheaper since my mom bought them for me
My life has taken a turn for the surreal in the last week.
I kissed someone I shouldn't have.
She is a good friend of mine.....although Ive only known her for a short while, it feels like much longer.....shes cool and funny...definitly a keeper. We got drunk at a club , danced to the cure....and suddenly she kissed me, which took me by total suprise...
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I kissed someone I shouldn't have.
She is a good friend of mine.....although Ive only known her for a short while, it feels like much longer.....shes cool and funny...definitly a keeper. We got drunk at a club , danced to the cure....and suddenly she kissed me, which took me by total suprise...
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Black Dahlia Murders...Is it good? Sounds interesting. What's it about?

I may have to read that. thanks

Bizzarre....I joined SG 'cos I had too much time on my I havnt got has been busy the last few weeks. By buddy John has moved in, which is cool, its really nice to have someone in the house, but our different work schedules mean we dont see oneanother every day..oh except last night, we watched a movie and I got really drunk...
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I thought the rule was half your age plus 7 years? In that case a 23 year old slut should suffice ha ha! But shit, age really shouldn't be an issue, if you wanna get slutty with someone who feels the same
Michelle xx

Michelle xx
Well there you go then, the math worked on Saturday!
Michelle xx

Michelle xx
Wow, it seems lie a lifetime since my last much has happened in the last week. Last sunday my mate John split up with his girlfriend Ruth...who he has been seeing for 5 years..he phoned me up on sunday...certainly a phonecall i didnt ever expect to get.
To cut a long story short he is now homeless and doesnt have enough to sort aplace...
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To cut a long story short he is now homeless and doesnt have enough to sort aplace...
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my last roomate was a real ass so i cleaned the toilet with his toothbrush

so what did you think of the new zao album?? i am still not sure about it.. might have to listen to it a bit more i think!! .. so who are Mastadon and Black Dahlia Murder?? i haven't heard of them.. are they anything like zao??

Just about recovered from my boozy took me until yesteday to recover my sleep patterns..i just felt jet a zombie at work...maybe i'm getting to old for this (ha, ha).
I'm not a very self reflective person, but even i've got to admit that ive been lacking any direction or drive in the last couple of months...think i need to get back on...
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I'm not a very self reflective person, but even i've got to admit that ive been lacking any direction or drive in the last couple of months...think i need to get back on...
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I am indeed, I cant wait...what about you?
Yes I have it it really was awesome, I am so excited I could wee myself
There will be more bands too, I hope, I am pretty happy with who is playing so far though

Oh dear very drunk...he,he. Weekend didnt work out...Danni got back from holiday to find her house fell instead i stayed in pompey. Went to brighton on my b'day (found some decent black jeans ...yay)and then to panic when i got back...danced to lots of new order and cure it was cool. Woke up still drunk and bummed around pompey all day... just been to...
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Its either the lingo or the booze but i was a little bit confused by this journal entry...
happy belated birthday!