ok, i had a great yet sad weekend. i took my mom to nj to visit her mother and her brothers graves. the great part is my mom is sick and usually cannot stay in a car more than a half hour or so. yet her and i drove to north bergen and spent a good 12 hours in the car. wow. another great thing is she gave me a tour of the places she used to hang out and stuff there since she moved to america. but sad was my uncle's grave................................. sorry that was serephim deciding to slither on my keyboard and make all kinds of weird noises cum outta my computer.... i havent been there since the funeral 12 years ago. 12 years sounds like a long time and it is. who would've thought 12 years goes by and i am fine, 1 trip to the cemetary it's like its only been 2 weeks. backtrack, it's always been just my folks, my sister, and my uncle everywhere ive ever lived. were the black sheeps of both families. ive never really had the extended family and i never want to. so all these years i thought everything was cool, and here ive found alot of hidden thoughts. i left though in a better frame of mind and very proud of my mom for all her efforts. so this weekend was wayyyy better than any other thanksgiving weekend ive ever had. any way, diamond, privy means... understand?!?! lol

oh ok i privy now!

NERD!! ^