20 things about me???
-im a good artist
-i'll listen to christmas music even in the summer
-friends and family are important to me
-ive watched serephim squeeeeeze the life out of a mouse and it's eyes exploded into a red gooey mess, somehow i didnt feel bad about it
-ive watched a line of ducks cross the streete and one was run over right in front of me, that made me sad. does make make me an inherent contridiction??
-i have no preference for what i look for in a girl, i.e. race, hair color, interests, but i do have intellegence standards
-oh yeah, i do NOT like girls with red hair. not dyed colors but wendy's/pippi longstocking kind of red hair. i dont know why, and im now admitting i could very well be an inherent contradiction
-ive lived all over the continental united states
-my graduating school was my 24th, solely based on moving
-im from california
-my sister is my best friend
-i cannot do any stupid human tricks what so ever
-i dont get stressed out easily, instead i will always find a way to laugh at the situation
-i dont like to watch sad movies
-like most of the male population im ready for sex 24/7 (insert any witty/funny pun here)
-one of my biggest faults is putting other peoples needs ahead of mine
-im a gemini, and as i found out with an ex-girlfriend of mine i fit the astrological definition to the T!
-ive been told by many people i know and complete random strangers that im an old soul
-i love westerns, taking naps, and complaining about kids running through my front yard!!!!
man, maybe i am an old soul
-# 20 is without a shadow of doubt you will never meet
anyone like me. im not cocky i swear!!
all that being said... and to quote rick flair... WHOOO!!!
-im a good artist
-i'll listen to christmas music even in the summer
-friends and family are important to me
-ive watched serephim squeeeeeze the life out of a mouse and it's eyes exploded into a red gooey mess, somehow i didnt feel bad about it
-ive watched a line of ducks cross the streete and one was run over right in front of me, that made me sad. does make make me an inherent contridiction??
-i have no preference for what i look for in a girl, i.e. race, hair color, interests, but i do have intellegence standards
-oh yeah, i do NOT like girls with red hair. not dyed colors but wendy's/pippi longstocking kind of red hair. i dont know why, and im now admitting i could very well be an inherent contradiction
-ive lived all over the continental united states
-my graduating school was my 24th, solely based on moving
-im from california
-my sister is my best friend
-i cannot do any stupid human tricks what so ever
-i dont get stressed out easily, instead i will always find a way to laugh at the situation
-i dont like to watch sad movies
-like most of the male population im ready for sex 24/7 (insert any witty/funny pun here)
-one of my biggest faults is putting other peoples needs ahead of mine
-im a gemini, and as i found out with an ex-girlfriend of mine i fit the astrological definition to the T!
-ive been told by many people i know and complete random strangers that im an old soul
-i love westerns, taking naps, and complaining about kids running through my front yard!!!!

-# 20 is without a shadow of doubt you will never meet
anyone like me. im not cocky i swear!!

all that being said... and to quote rick flair... WHOOO!!!

You are absolutely right...there is no one else like you...and you are not cocky for saying that. You are Justincredible!!