All is well. The weather has become sane again and Microman Rules!
I'm glad the icy storm of the apocalypse is over.
It's raining something biblical in california right now.
It's raining something biblical in california right now.
December is layoff season where I work. Usually just before the holidays as in Merry Fucking Christmas. This year, apparently they can't decide until January who to axe. As in "Should we celebrate the holidays this year?"
I should update this once in a while. I'm wounded, sick, and under work-related stress. Shower me with sympathy.
Since it used to be Suicide Saturday at Devil's Point and it's now on Thursday, perhaps it should be called "Thuithide Thurthzday"?
I don't know.
I don't know.

I'm glad you're healthy despite all the germs at the point.
See you there this week maybe !

you are silly. but as usual you appear and disappear from thin air... actually thick cigarette filled air. but that's just nasty
[Edited on Nov 22, 2005 9:22PM]
[Edited on Nov 22, 2005 9:22PM]
Church people crack me up. Saw this sign outside a church on the way home:
"Nothing is out of control if God is in control."
My interpretation:
If it feels like it's not in your control, don't worry, have faith, cuz it's in God's control.
Of course, this might mean you may have to sacrifice yourself for the greater good...
"Nothing is out of control if God is in control."
My interpretation:
If it feels like it's not in your control, don't worry, have faith, cuz it's in God's control.
Of course, this might mean you may have to sacrifice yourself for the greater good...
I saw that sign too !
those signs just kill me. I want to be the person that thinks up those phrases. Then I will put them on magnetic poetry and make millions.
it was nice to see you at the bar tonight !
those signs just kill me. I want to be the person that thinks up those phrases. Then I will put them on magnetic poetry and make millions.

it was nice to see you at the bar tonight !

Bugs, basically
(As I discover previously overlooked features...)

(As I discover previously overlooked features...)
I like your bug pics.
it hurts!! oh, omg, I really dont want that to happen... hahaha.... thanks, though? Maybe? *confused*
Thirty hours by train to L.A. and twenty-something back. I spent a week there with nothing but an air mattress. I tell you what, my bed feels like heaven right now.
for serious ?
What do you mean hot weather isn't an excuse to run around work nekkid?
Good god i'm old!
