Been a very busy .... lately...
I can't sleep. I'm tired, and keep yawning... and want to sleep. But no such luck chuck! Brian stole milk from the store today, because we can't afford it. Isn't that sad? Can't even afford a gallon of damn milk.
Hanging with Jori, and Allie tomorrow! Allie is only here for another 2 days, and then she heads back up to Canada. We went over to Lexy and Darcy's tonight, watched Metalocalpyse, which they've never seen (BLASPHEMY!), "mobbed" halo. I don't understand why this word is so "hip" right now. Brian is even saying it. God. Now I feel old.
I'm going to look it up on Urban Dictionary.
To "Mob it" is -attack life with an unmatched ferocity.
Okay, I take it back. That's awesome. : ) Now that I understand it. Fuck. So much of what we say now a days has little or no resemblance to the root words they came from!
I took my last final today... I keep getting so discouraged with online classes, because people seem to not have a 1st grade grammar and reading level, and were in my Psy 465 class. I'm talking about, final papers with stuff like "a emotional" and run on sentences lasting 5 lines, (on a word document) I shit you not. I had to stop around 13 times to read aloud parts to Brian, because I was so confused, and distraught by the paper I was reading. We all did a final paper, worth 100 points. We also had to read them all, and study the info for our exam. It was only a five page paper. At least one of the ones that I almost cried while reading.
Again, here comes the part where I have to reassure myself that I have no other option than to go to school. There aren't any blue collar jobs that I could do around here anyway, so I have to pay out the ass just so I can't try and get a job later. It just makes it hard, because I could cheat on every single assignment, just like these people who can't even freaking write, which is how they keep passing. But no, I try to do my best, and when I fall short, I feel like a failure. I wonder if any teachers figure that out... how the ones with the most intelligent assignments, although not always the highest score, are better than those who can't spell, but still do "decently" on the exams.
Whatever. I'm glad this quarter is now officially over. Brian dropped my textbooks off in the mail. I rented this quarter, and it worked awesomely! The only bad thing, is that I like keeping my books, I love all the info and being able to check back on it, but I can't buy my books anymore. They are way too expensive!
I talked with my friend Emma on the phone for an hour today... she's in Spokane at school, busting her ass! She has this "friend" that uses her for info and homework, it's getting her down and def pissing her off. So we both got to vent.
The latest shit storm with us, is that the stuff from the unemployment people that we have been waiting for (to come in the mail) never came. So after calling them and shit, and waiting and waiting while trying to scrape by, Brian had to re do everything today, and hopefully it'll all work out. So the last month we've been living off of nothing, basically. Ran out of money Fri?> The school stuff, getting me down. We might move in with Darcy and Lexy, if their roommate ends up leaving.
We are disputing a charge on our debit card, for 100 dollars, that magically appeared one day. I was going to buy my mom's xmas present online, so I figured I'd check the bank account. I'm glad I did. I get to the website, and almost shit myself. Now we are neg thirty in checking, and neg totally on our credit card. The only saving grace we had was that we'd been making payments on the credit card, and it's linked to our debit for overdraft protection.
So between our safety net of money in the bank which disappeared without our consent, and then the little cash that we'd had...
Brian didn't get any work from Gamestop last week, or this week. That makes 3 weeks with only working 2 days? I had to ask my mom for grocery money. I fucking hate doing that. They are more than willing, and the other day she asked if she needed to take us... I said no, because I felt guilty and didn't want to make her, but she ended up having to transfer some money to my savings. I'm excited. Break, cheese, tortillas, here we come! More like Grocery Outlet, here we come!!!
It's insane. Man. I didn't know I had this much to write. I hope all turns out well tomorrow. I'm excited to see Allie, it's been... 2 years? Wow. It'll be nice. : ) At least I hope.
Now... I have to decide between playing COD, or stuff on facebook.... the choices the choices!
I can't sleep. I'm tired, and keep yawning... and want to sleep. But no such luck chuck! Brian stole milk from the store today, because we can't afford it. Isn't that sad? Can't even afford a gallon of damn milk.
Hanging with Jori, and Allie tomorrow! Allie is only here for another 2 days, and then she heads back up to Canada. We went over to Lexy and Darcy's tonight, watched Metalocalpyse, which they've never seen (BLASPHEMY!), "mobbed" halo. I don't understand why this word is so "hip" right now. Brian is even saying it. God. Now I feel old.
I'm going to look it up on Urban Dictionary.
To "Mob it" is -attack life with an unmatched ferocity.
Okay, I take it back. That's awesome. : ) Now that I understand it. Fuck. So much of what we say now a days has little or no resemblance to the root words they came from!
I took my last final today... I keep getting so discouraged with online classes, because people seem to not have a 1st grade grammar and reading level, and were in my Psy 465 class. I'm talking about, final papers with stuff like "a emotional" and run on sentences lasting 5 lines, (on a word document) I shit you not. I had to stop around 13 times to read aloud parts to Brian, because I was so confused, and distraught by the paper I was reading. We all did a final paper, worth 100 points. We also had to read them all, and study the info for our exam. It was only a five page paper. At least one of the ones that I almost cried while reading.
Again, here comes the part where I have to reassure myself that I have no other option than to go to school. There aren't any blue collar jobs that I could do around here anyway, so I have to pay out the ass just so I can't try and get a job later. It just makes it hard, because I could cheat on every single assignment, just like these people who can't even freaking write, which is how they keep passing. But no, I try to do my best, and when I fall short, I feel like a failure. I wonder if any teachers figure that out... how the ones with the most intelligent assignments, although not always the highest score, are better than those who can't spell, but still do "decently" on the exams.
Whatever. I'm glad this quarter is now officially over. Brian dropped my textbooks off in the mail. I rented this quarter, and it worked awesomely! The only bad thing, is that I like keeping my books, I love all the info and being able to check back on it, but I can't buy my books anymore. They are way too expensive!
I talked with my friend Emma on the phone for an hour today... she's in Spokane at school, busting her ass! She has this "friend" that uses her for info and homework, it's getting her down and def pissing her off. So we both got to vent.
The latest shit storm with us, is that the stuff from the unemployment people that we have been waiting for (to come in the mail) never came. So after calling them and shit, and waiting and waiting while trying to scrape by, Brian had to re do everything today, and hopefully it'll all work out. So the last month we've been living off of nothing, basically. Ran out of money Fri?> The school stuff, getting me down. We might move in with Darcy and Lexy, if their roommate ends up leaving.
We are disputing a charge on our debit card, for 100 dollars, that magically appeared one day. I was going to buy my mom's xmas present online, so I figured I'd check the bank account. I'm glad I did. I get to the website, and almost shit myself. Now we are neg thirty in checking, and neg totally on our credit card. The only saving grace we had was that we'd been making payments on the credit card, and it's linked to our debit for overdraft protection.
So between our safety net of money in the bank which disappeared without our consent, and then the little cash that we'd had...
Brian didn't get any work from Gamestop last week, or this week. That makes 3 weeks with only working 2 days? I had to ask my mom for grocery money. I fucking hate doing that. They are more than willing, and the other day she asked if she needed to take us... I said no, because I felt guilty and didn't want to make her, but she ended up having to transfer some money to my savings. I'm excited. Break, cheese, tortillas, here we come! More like Grocery Outlet, here we come!!!
It's insane. Man. I didn't know I had this much to write. I hope all turns out well tomorrow. I'm excited to see Allie, it's been... 2 years? Wow. It'll be nice. : ) At least I hope.
Now... I have to decide between playing COD, or stuff on facebook.... the choices the choices!