I'm out in my boat , real update to come later

That's good advice, that's what I'm doing right now. It amazes me how many foods contain corn syrup! My mom said I had a "food sensitvity" to it as a kid, I bet it was just the hypoglycemia that made me get cranky. I bought a very affordable blood glucose monitor to check how different foods make my blood sugar react. I still need to learn how to use it better, it just told me I was 8 points below where I needed to be as a nondiabetic. Damn!
Actually no. In order to fight you have to be qualified and have a card. You need to wear real armor since they use rattan weapons and you can die. It's too much work at this event, sicne it lasts a week. I enjoy just watching and schmoozing. The real fun is at night at all the parties.