I'm tired and cranky after staying out all night , a pushy beggar followed me for a short bit this afternoon until I thew my coffee at him , nearly knocking all 6 feet and 90 pounds of him on his ass Perhaps I should take the time to organize a beggar tossing contest , kind of like a midget toss but more fun . Contestants would take turns to see who could toss a beggar the furthest off a dock , thousands of tourists will flock to participate in this new sport after being accosted by beggars nonstop after leaving their hotels
that was fun more time spent speeding down the lake than fishing though.
I pitched the idea of Bordertown to a producer who said he'd like to read it. He said he really needs to read the complete script.
I guess, the script isn't "high concept" --one whose appeal lies mainly on its premise. Example: "Bruce Almighty." A common man is granted God's powers for a week. What does he do with them? In this case, nothing particulally funny.
Anyway, that's the kind of premise-driven film idea that producers buy on the basis of a pitch. For something like "Bordertown,"producers are going to want to read a script.