I was out whoring around all night , never went to sleep , and now I'm having a WTF day
I've yet to lose my cool when faced with rampant idiocy
Though I may choose to exercise my stock options before things go to hell publicly

and remember my favorite phrase....."I see dumb people....and they work here!"
I say that too often about my job here. I think my Office is the only competant one (well, since we lost the walking, talking, bumbling moron today!)
and thanks for the advice. Miami are bastiches in my eyes that take forever. it took the Director of Benefits there 3 days to fill out at most 8 boxes and fax a form!
so I e-mailed him "read receipt".
we shall see!
[Edited on Jun 29, 2005 11:08PM]
[Edited on Jun 29, 2005 10:18PM]