Greetings from Groom Lake , I'm stuck out here for the rest of the month dealing with more flight tests , and as fate would have it we started off with various computer and software glitches , mostly caused by poor handling of the airframe during transport . Now that things are looking better we will be preparing for the first sattelite window and our first round of flight tests on the newly lightened airframe . With some luck I will have more rec time in Vegas this time around , or even better get a chance to escape to cali for an afternoon to visit a lady friend , who knows right now though as it is way too early to make a guess as to how the flight tests will go

I'm really not too sure.....i'll look it up or something
yes they encourage "electronic journals" on computers no less... i suggested they sould all come here in 10 years or so considering theyre all about 8... she didnt fin that very amusing... but i love how she had me put in " on the computer" after eac mention of an electronic journal... seemed kinda redundant to me but who knows