Well all of my medical tests turned out ok , no problems with my bloodwork , my kidney counts have continually gone down , I wont be getting a pacemaker-defribulator , and will not need to go on dialysis
My diet still sucks **s , my protien intake limit has been raised to 120mg daily , 1000mg daily sodium limit , no potasium , very little milk due to high phosphate content , can only have potatoes once a month , no alchoholic beverages due to reactions with medications .......... basically this means I have to prepare all of my meals myself , no dining out or stopping for snacks .
I weighed in at 198 pounds with 10% bodyfat , bloodpressure was 120/58 , with my increased protien intake limit I will be able to increase my lean body mass and bring my weight up to 208 pounds until my next protien intake limit increase .
I had my medication schedule changed again , and was actually able to sleep for a few hours last night without getting up to urinate every hour or so .
I also won a personal legal battle after eight months of litigation .

My diet still sucks **s , my protien intake limit has been raised to 120mg daily , 1000mg daily sodium limit , no potasium , very little milk due to high phosphate content , can only have potatoes once a month , no alchoholic beverages due to reactions with medications .......... basically this means I have to prepare all of my meals myself , no dining out or stopping for snacks .
I weighed in at 198 pounds with 10% bodyfat , bloodpressure was 120/58 , with my increased protien intake limit I will be able to increase my lean body mass and bring my weight up to 208 pounds until my next protien intake limit increase .
I had my medication schedule changed again , and was actually able to sleep for a few hours last night without getting up to urinate every hour or so .
I also won a personal legal battle after eight months of litigation .