I had a change made to my medications this monday and had a bad reaction with the increased doseage , so I went to see my general practitioner tuesday and was given another medication which compounded the problem . So my red dry patches of skin turned to red dry peeling patches of skin , so sometime today I need to see if I can get an appointment with a local dermatologist after I stop at the hospital and see what they can do to solve the problem
I have to see my lawyers today , pay some medical bills , attend a town council meeting , do a couple of loads of laundry , see my chiropractor , get bloodwork done , stop at farmers market for some ripe oranges , stop to see Diann and Kendra at M-CAP , buy vitamins , raid Sisters Place in Middletown for lunch and cheat on my diet , and I can't forget to attend elmcitydrunk's place tonight
p.s. if anyone in the hartford , meriden , middletown area needs a ride to and from newhaven , I can be reached on my cell phone at 860 977 2016 I will be away from my computer for most of the day , please leave a message if I don't answer , I will get back to you

I have to see my lawyers today , pay some medical bills , attend a town council meeting , do a couple of loads of laundry , see my chiropractor , get bloodwork done , stop at farmers market for some ripe oranges , stop to see Diann and Kendra at M-CAP , buy vitamins , raid Sisters Place in Middletown for lunch and cheat on my diet , and I can't forget to attend elmcitydrunk's place tonight

p.s. if anyone in the hartford , meriden , middletown area needs a ride to and from newhaven , I can be reached on my cell phone at 860 977 2016 I will be away from my computer for most of the day , please leave a message if I don't answer , I will get back to you
im not in the area, sorry
she's russian...
nah i dont need any russians...abby is good enough of a crush. she's part russian though...