Well once the shitty cold weather starts and I can't spend quality time at the beach worshiping the sun god

I start to take on vampire like qualities like sleeping during the day and staying up all night long

a few people have claimed this might have something to do with me being an antichrist.......I mean Bush supporter , so many seem traumatized by by the EVIL EMPIRE'S victory, they whimper amongst themselves about how their world is coming to an end . They claim this election was won by fear !
BULLSHIT Yes people in the biblebelt states and the midwest voted against gay marriage and most states voted against gun control , personally I couldn't care less if gay's want to get married , they should have the right to legal partnership if they choose to live that lifestyle , But I am PRO GUN and am very active in the NRA-ILA , and I KILL for a hobby , that's right I'm a hunter
One issue I would have loved to have seen in all fifty states is wellfare reform , the department of social services has gotten totally out of hand in this country

I'm sick and tired of seeing families living for free on wellfare while driving $50,000.00 SUV'S , if they can afford the payments on their new audi's and bmw's they can most certainly support themselves , and they deffinately have no right living for free in low income housing projects

I saw a headline in a british paper about how so many people could be so stupid , what a bunch of assholes the press is

So many people went out and voted for that pisssant kerry , just to vote for someone different , what the fuck !!!!!! The president doesn't decide if you get a raise or promotion , Bush doesn't turn down your loan application , tell your boss to fire or lay you off . He certainly isn't responsible for 9-11-2001 either . Terrorist's want to bomb our country because of the freedoms we have , how we live our lives , our religous beliefs.......the list goes on and on
If you want to see change in the things that affect your life on a local level then you have to get off your asses and start going to your local town council meetings and board of ed meeetings If you are not there to speak your mind , noone will ever hear you

I take part in all my towns meetings and I have never been denied a chance to speak , yet only a handfull of residents ever attend the meetings , an of course everyone bitches about what happens in their town while they have the power to change things for the better they choose to sit home and complain to their beer instead
the council is pretty good in not passing stupid things though.