Life has been no work and all play lately. Oklahoma City hosted it's first "Band Camp: a Summer Showcase" this past weekend. 22 bands for 5 bucks, and 18 of them were fucking right on! Nothing but hardcore and punk for 14 hours on Saturday, all local to Oklahoma. Check out the hosts site - Oklahoma Punk Scene . And if this past weekends drunken debauchery wasn't enough, this weekend is my birthday! 32 fucking years and still healthy and single (just don't tell my girlfreinds) with fresh scars from the slam pit. And what am I getting for my birthday??? More Tattoo work of course! My artist said he has some new armature that exerts half the pressure (pain (pleasure)) and lets him work twice as fast. Oh baby, it's on this weekend. If your in the area this Saturday drop in on Poser Roast #7 at The Conservatory or possibly 2Bass3 at the Deli in Norman. Hmm...hardcore or Live Drum and Bass ... decisions decisions. Probably do both.
happy happy happies!