Good Morning Guys and Gals,
Yes, It is 7:57am and I am at work on a Saturday. I have been here since 6:30am. The company that I work for is giving us Dec 25th - Jan 1st off for the holidays. But there is a catch... in order to get the full 40 hours for that week you must work 2 saturdays in the month of Dec. I am only here til noon, but still this means I dont get any day to sleep in for 2 weeks. O well, that is the price you pay to getting a big bonus and a week vacation paid.
I am loving the mornings now that it is warmer. I like the fact that I dont have to scrape ice off my windows. I would rather take the rain instead of the ice. How about you?
I am getting my tattoo today. A lil nervous, but I think I am going to just put my discman on and play some music while I have a needle shoved in my arm about a million times. Its going to be awesome. My boyfriend dispies me for this but oh well I am not going to change it because of him. If he dont like it he can leave. Right?! I will put some pictures up when I have a chance.
Well, I hope your weekends are all great ones and I hope to hear from most of you soon. TTFN!!!
Yes, It is 7:57am and I am at work on a Saturday. I have been here since 6:30am. The company that I work for is giving us Dec 25th - Jan 1st off for the holidays. But there is a catch... in order to get the full 40 hours for that week you must work 2 saturdays in the month of Dec. I am only here til noon, but still this means I dont get any day to sleep in for 2 weeks. O well, that is the price you pay to getting a big bonus and a week vacation paid.
I am loving the mornings now that it is warmer. I like the fact that I dont have to scrape ice off my windows. I would rather take the rain instead of the ice. How about you?
I am getting my tattoo today. A lil nervous, but I think I am going to just put my discman on and play some music while I have a needle shoved in my arm about a million times. Its going to be awesome. My boyfriend dispies me for this but oh well I am not going to change it because of him. If he dont like it he can leave. Right?! I will put some pictures up when I have a chance.
Well, I hope your weekends are all great ones and I hope to hear from most of you soon. TTFN!!!

hey bitch.... FUCK YO DICE!!!