So I know it has been a while since I blogged....ok not really that long... but for was a while hahah. Had people emailing me making sure everything was ok! Which is so awesome to have on this site. People checking up on ya. I assure you I am good.
I was hoping and waiting patiently to recieve the pics from a photoshoot I recently did so that in my new blog I could show you all those... because I am so excited about them. They were hella fun to shoot. But I still dont have them. Soon hopefully by the end of the week. So stay tuned for those fun pics....comicbook dresses, milk and orange slices bathtub pics and bloody fun animal rights images. Should be pretty epic.
So I am sorry if this is a borning blog. I for once am kinda just in a mellow mood. Not much to report. Not much to say. I am still working on getting out of debt so I can move. I am proud of what I have accomplished this far.
So this weekend can I just tell you how excited I am. First I get to be at the Wizard World Chicago Comic Convention...all day Thursday, all day Friday and all day Saturday. Secondly I get to finally meet Radeo. We talk all the time through blog and email but just have never been in the same place at the same time. I am so excited to meet her. Everything I know about her tells me she is gonna be a blast to be around. She is goofy like me. Thirdly... I get to hang out with all the other sexy SG ladies that are coming into town and from the area. Let me just say these ladies are so much fun... I for sure know I will get to spend time with
Rizzo, Roseleigh, Churtch, Oogie, Caprica, Darla, Tita, Hedy and Radeo. If any other ladies are coming let me know... I am so excited.
Then on Sunday I have a whole day of shooting planned. I am not ruining any secrets or revealing anything... but I can say I am super stoked....the photog is super stoked and well it should be a good fun time. I get to meet and work with Scott Smallin, who is a staff photog Iv'e wanted to work with but never been giving the oppurtunity as he lives clear in South Carolina I think... well I finally get to.
You all know I will keep you updated on this.... so stay tuned.
I also have a super crazy creative idea for a set that I want to shoot when I work with Writeboy again in Sept. I have it all planned out and I have talked to a few people about seeing if we can make it happen...and they told me what I need to accomplish is quite I am just waiting to see if SG is still doing the creative weekends before I run the idea by Writeboy. If they are then hell yes I hope I can shoot this set. The creative weekends are such a great thing for me. It allows me to make these off the wall sets and know they have a better chance of going up. I have to say the past month of weekend sets not only excites me so much... but I look forward to logging in on the weekends now to see them. This is what the site has always been to not get me wrong... I love the beautiful glam sets that go up during the week as well. I just really love to see the time and effort and story that goes into these crazy, artistic, dark sets.
Oh and I started taking meds for my anxiety....which is kinda werid to talk to people about... people who have anxiety or panic attacks totally understand what I am going through and those who dont just kinda look down on you for taking meds. Well anyways I finally went to the doc to talk to him about my anxiety. Becuase anytime something went bad or wrong.... It just wasnt a good day. I had instant tummy gnawing pain, lightheaded, short of breath, just couldnt sit still and worried about everything. I use to be able to manage it but as of lately with everything going on in my life it has gotten a little whoa. So he put me on a low dose to see how it works and says we will up it later if we want. Well I have issues with taking new meds so so far I have been breaking the pill in half til I get use to that and then I will work my way up to a full one...etc etc. It has been interesting. It is a sleepy med because my biggest complaint was I have not slept in who knows how long. So it knocks me out fairly quickly after taking it. I find myself napping throughout the day which is soooooooo unusal for me. Then when i wake up and got a good sleep I am still drowsy all day in a fog if that makes sense. He told me it would take 2 weeks for it to anyone who has been through this....will I eventually get use to this??? It also makes me not feel the best. Upset stomach...etc. I am just hopeing over time I will get use to it, because I don't want to have to stop taking it without giving it a chance. So any help or tips would be greatly appriciated.
Thanks guys!
Ok that is all the updates I got....sorry for the boring blog.... like I said nothing new really. I will update with a more fun blog very very soon I promise!
Till are some pics to enjoy:

I was hoping and waiting patiently to recieve the pics from a photoshoot I recently did so that in my new blog I could show you all those... because I am so excited about them. They were hella fun to shoot. But I still dont have them. Soon hopefully by the end of the week. So stay tuned for those fun pics....comicbook dresses, milk and orange slices bathtub pics and bloody fun animal rights images. Should be pretty epic.
So I am sorry if this is a borning blog. I for once am kinda just in a mellow mood. Not much to report. Not much to say. I am still working on getting out of debt so I can move. I am proud of what I have accomplished this far.
So this weekend can I just tell you how excited I am. First I get to be at the Wizard World Chicago Comic Convention...all day Thursday, all day Friday and all day Saturday. Secondly I get to finally meet Radeo. We talk all the time through blog and email but just have never been in the same place at the same time. I am so excited to meet her. Everything I know about her tells me she is gonna be a blast to be around. She is goofy like me. Thirdly... I get to hang out with all the other sexy SG ladies that are coming into town and from the area. Let me just say these ladies are so much fun... I for sure know I will get to spend time with
Rizzo, Roseleigh, Churtch, Oogie, Caprica, Darla, Tita, Hedy and Radeo. If any other ladies are coming let me know... I am so excited.
Then on Sunday I have a whole day of shooting planned. I am not ruining any secrets or revealing anything... but I can say I am super stoked....the photog is super stoked and well it should be a good fun time. I get to meet and work with Scott Smallin, who is a staff photog Iv'e wanted to work with but never been giving the oppurtunity as he lives clear in South Carolina I think... well I finally get to.

You all know I will keep you updated on this.... so stay tuned.
I also have a super crazy creative idea for a set that I want to shoot when I work with Writeboy again in Sept. I have it all planned out and I have talked to a few people about seeing if we can make it happen...and they told me what I need to accomplish is quite I am just waiting to see if SG is still doing the creative weekends before I run the idea by Writeboy. If they are then hell yes I hope I can shoot this set. The creative weekends are such a great thing for me. It allows me to make these off the wall sets and know they have a better chance of going up. I have to say the past month of weekend sets not only excites me so much... but I look forward to logging in on the weekends now to see them. This is what the site has always been to not get me wrong... I love the beautiful glam sets that go up during the week as well. I just really love to see the time and effort and story that goes into these crazy, artistic, dark sets.
Oh and I started taking meds for my anxiety....which is kinda werid to talk to people about... people who have anxiety or panic attacks totally understand what I am going through and those who dont just kinda look down on you for taking meds. Well anyways I finally went to the doc to talk to him about my anxiety. Becuase anytime something went bad or wrong.... It just wasnt a good day. I had instant tummy gnawing pain, lightheaded, short of breath, just couldnt sit still and worried about everything. I use to be able to manage it but as of lately with everything going on in my life it has gotten a little whoa. So he put me on a low dose to see how it works and says we will up it later if we want. Well I have issues with taking new meds so so far I have been breaking the pill in half til I get use to that and then I will work my way up to a full one...etc etc. It has been interesting. It is a sleepy med because my biggest complaint was I have not slept in who knows how long. So it knocks me out fairly quickly after taking it. I find myself napping throughout the day which is soooooooo unusal for me. Then when i wake up and got a good sleep I am still drowsy all day in a fog if that makes sense. He told me it would take 2 weeks for it to anyone who has been through this....will I eventually get use to this??? It also makes me not feel the best. Upset stomach...etc. I am just hopeing over time I will get use to it, because I don't want to have to stop taking it without giving it a chance. So any help or tips would be greatly appriciated.

Ok that is all the updates I got....sorry for the boring blog.... like I said nothing new really. I will update with a more fun blog very very soon I promise!
Till are some pics to enjoy:

Have fun! I feel im always missing out on the fun things, but i dont have a babysitter