Music Videos I was feeling this morn.....
Thanks to Oogie... Im lovin this one!!!
What a hot video!!!!
ok also the bestie Shytown showed me something absolutely brillant and funny... a lot of you have probably already seen this but I thought I would share... ok so here is the original video... take a look....
and here is the literal version... with made up words to what the video shows... OMG hilarious
So on the roll of finding that video hilarious... I also found this one...
Here is the original video.....
and here is the literal version... HAHAHA!!!
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Im pretty boring today... im in a mellow...out of it I dont have a lot to talk about.... for once... I know right?? Weird.... so Im leaving you with pics! And Kraven Trivia!!!

1. I am addicted to Pepsi... seriously addicted..... I get horrible headaches we I try to stop drinking it.
2. My fave snack food is Cheez Its. Im addicted.... if I have Cheez Its around the house... I am a happy camper.
3. I have a birthmark across my ass cheek. I hate it... I mean lets be honest... who wants a brown smear, across their ass that looks like shit... hahahah!!! No joke hate it!
4. I am OCD with a thing or two.... ok maybe a lot of things.... someday maybe I will tell you all about my OCD tendencies but for now I will keep that madness to myself hahah!
5. When I go to the zoo.... my first stop and most time spent is always the Monkey House. I could watch those lil guys for hours... sooo funny!
6. I donated my eggs to a family in Boston. It was one of the most rewarding things I felt I have done in my lifetime. I did not do it for the money... I did not do it to be noticed... I did it for that family to be able to have a child that without me they would not have been able to have.
7. I love to sing in the shower... I mean belt out whatever pops into my head. Yup thats right... it could be the fucking fourth of July and I will be in the shower singing... Walking in a Winter Wonderland. I am not sure how or why my mind wanders where it does... but what can I say??
8. I have an obsession for pj pants....or well comfy pants in general...sweats.... work out pants... leggings... anything I can lounge in. I have way too many pairs and yet I still find myself think I need more and buying them.
9. I do not drink. I mean I use to quite a bit in college and my younger years... but just kind of grew out of it... didnt see a meaning for feeling like shit always the next day... so I pretty much stopped and now that I have stomach issues... I just quit all together.... so I have not drank in about 2 years.
I have had a drink here and there... but yeah.... alcohol is not for me.
10. I can be an artist sometimes... you know when I find the time to be crative and keep my skills up. I love doing anything that allows my mind to wander and be free and creative... but I find my most pleasure and relaxation comes from painting and sketching.
11. I grew up on a farm...yep the whole shabang.... grew up listening to country music, say YEEHAW... and love my cowgirl boots.
12. I wore braces for 3 years. It only took my teeth a very short while to move to the straight we wanted them... but we waited forever for my bite to get better because I have TMJ and it never when I went to college I said take these fuckers off... I am not going to college with them on...that is for damn sure!
13. I love sports. I use to be a softball pitcher... and could have went to college to play but got burnt out on it... and decided that wasnt the route I wanted to go. I also played Volleyball and basketball for a short while. Basketball and me didnt get along... Im pretty lazy. But now... I love to watch sports. Football is my fave. I am kinda a colts fan and a Giants Fan... I know I know Im from Chicago and I should be a Bears fan... But I kinda got mad when they traded Jones... so I gave up on them.
14. I am a bad driver. I turn randomly when I dont have a reason to... I drive like a grandma every since I got in a wreck.... I somehow end up in construction zones that are a foot below the normal road level... DONT ASK.... I hit parked cars and then think I am reversing and end up monster trucking the car in my Jeep... AGAIN DONT ASK.... I have gotten 9 or 10 speeding tickets.... Yep Bad Bad driver.
Thanks to Oogie... Im lovin this one!!!

What a hot video!!!!
ok also the bestie Shytown showed me something absolutely brillant and funny... a lot of you have probably already seen this but I thought I would share... ok so here is the original video... take a look....
and here is the literal version... with made up words to what the video shows... OMG hilarious
So on the roll of finding that video hilarious... I also found this one...
Here is the original video.....
and here is the literal version... HAHAHA!!!
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Im pretty boring today... im in a mellow...out of it I dont have a lot to talk about.... for once... I know right?? Weird.... so Im leaving you with pics! And Kraven Trivia!!!

1. I am addicted to Pepsi... seriously addicted..... I get horrible headaches we I try to stop drinking it.
2. My fave snack food is Cheez Its. Im addicted.... if I have Cheez Its around the house... I am a happy camper.
3. I have a birthmark across my ass cheek. I hate it... I mean lets be honest... who wants a brown smear, across their ass that looks like shit... hahahah!!! No joke hate it!
4. I am OCD with a thing or two.... ok maybe a lot of things.... someday maybe I will tell you all about my OCD tendencies but for now I will keep that madness to myself hahah!
5. When I go to the zoo.... my first stop and most time spent is always the Monkey House. I could watch those lil guys for hours... sooo funny!
6. I donated my eggs to a family in Boston. It was one of the most rewarding things I felt I have done in my lifetime. I did not do it for the money... I did not do it to be noticed... I did it for that family to be able to have a child that without me they would not have been able to have.
7. I love to sing in the shower... I mean belt out whatever pops into my head. Yup thats right... it could be the fucking fourth of July and I will be in the shower singing... Walking in a Winter Wonderland. I am not sure how or why my mind wanders where it does... but what can I say??
8. I have an obsession for pj pants....or well comfy pants in general...sweats.... work out pants... leggings... anything I can lounge in. I have way too many pairs and yet I still find myself think I need more and buying them.
9. I do not drink. I mean I use to quite a bit in college and my younger years... but just kind of grew out of it... didnt see a meaning for feeling like shit always the next day... so I pretty much stopped and now that I have stomach issues... I just quit all together.... so I have not drank in about 2 years.
I have had a drink here and there... but yeah.... alcohol is not for me.
10. I can be an artist sometimes... you know when I find the time to be crative and keep my skills up. I love doing anything that allows my mind to wander and be free and creative... but I find my most pleasure and relaxation comes from painting and sketching.
11. I grew up on a farm...yep the whole shabang.... grew up listening to country music, say YEEHAW... and love my cowgirl boots.
12. I wore braces for 3 years. It only took my teeth a very short while to move to the straight we wanted them... but we waited forever for my bite to get better because I have TMJ and it never when I went to college I said take these fuckers off... I am not going to college with them on...that is for damn sure!
13. I love sports. I use to be a softball pitcher... and could have went to college to play but got burnt out on it... and decided that wasnt the route I wanted to go. I also played Volleyball and basketball for a short while. Basketball and me didnt get along... Im pretty lazy. But now... I love to watch sports. Football is my fave. I am kinda a colts fan and a Giants Fan... I know I know Im from Chicago and I should be a Bears fan... But I kinda got mad when they traded Jones... so I gave up on them.
14. I am a bad driver. I turn randomly when I dont have a reason to... I drive like a grandma every since I got in a wreck.... I somehow end up in construction zones that are a foot below the normal road level... DONT ASK.... I hit parked cars and then think I am reversing and end up monster trucking the car in my Jeep... AGAIN DONT ASK.... I have gotten 9 or 10 speeding tickets.... Yep Bad Bad driver.
Thanks for all the love on my new set! I really want to see your last set go live too! I hope the new year is treating you well.