OK so deal with it... you are getting another Halloween Blog.... Maybe all this week! Because ummmm in case you didnt know..... IT IS MY FAVE HOLIDAY EVER!
So last weekend Shyla, and I had a Halloweenie weekend. We made Halloween brownies.... carved pumpkins and watched scary movies. We wanted to put on our costumes but figured that would be a little much and we didnt want to be total dorks.....so yeah!
Our pumpkins turned out awsome...we took a bunch of pics.... so when I get them they will be posted of course!!!!
Then the following day.... Caprica, Skulli, Shyla, Me and two other girlies went to a haunted house. Let me just tell you.... I pretty much got all antsy and wanted to have a heart attack while wait in line just to get tickets. But did I mention Shyla give the best pep talks that consists of telling me to grow some fucking balls...this shit is fake you are doing this.....now get up there and get your ticket...... hahahahhahaha so of course I went!
I have to say it was well worth it... I had a blast. Poor Shyla had no circulation from me holding onto her so tightly but I warned her. But here I am ..... I survived!
And now I want to do it again!
Here is a video of last years version of the House we went to.... I think this year was a bit better... but some of it looks very similar!
My tattoo guy that has done my back peice.... is working at the Statesville Haunted Prision this year and he told me if I came I wouldnt regret it...that is is flipping awsome.
This is their promo vid this year..... I think Ill pass... I would rather not pee my pants with fear! Thanks! Hahha

Q: What kind of street does a ghost like best?
A: A dead end.
Q: What did the papa ghost say to the baby ghost?
A: Fasten your sheet belt.
Q: How do ghosts fly from one place to another?
A: By scareplane.
Q: What directions did the ghost give the goblin?
A: "Make a fright turn at the corner."
Q: What kind of ghost haunts a hen house?
A: A poultry-geist.
Q: Why do ghosts go to baseball games?
A: Because they like to boo the umpire.
Q: What should you say when you meet a ghost?
A: "How do you boo, sir. How do you boo."
Q: What did the mother ghost say to the baby ghost?
A: Put your shocks and boos on.
Q: What do you call a ghost in a torn sheet?
A: A holy terror.
Q: What tops off a ghost's sundae?
A: Whipped Scream
Q: Why did the baby ghost go to the doctor before halloween?
A: To get a BOOster shot.
Q: When do ghosts usually appear?
A: Just before someone screams.
Q: What do little ghosts drink?
A: Evaporated milk.
Q: How do you make a milkshake?
A: You sneak up behind a glass of milk and yell "Boo!"
Q: Why is a ghost such a messy eater?
A: Because he's always a goblin.
W. Why do ghosts like to ride elevators?
A. It raises their spirits.
Q. Why did the game warden arrest the ghost?
A. He didn't have a haunting license.
Knock, Knock. Who's there?
Phillip! Phillip who?
Phillip my bag with candy!
Q: What is a vampires favorite mode of transportation?
A: A blood vessel.
Q: Why wasn't the vampire working?
A: He was on his coffin break.
Q: Why did the vampire's lunch give her heartburn?
A: It was a stake sandwich.
Q. Why was the girl afraid of the vampire?
A. He was all bite and no bark.
Q. Where does Count Dracula usually eat his lunch?
A. At the casketeria.
Q. Why did Dracula go to the doctor?
A. Because of his coffin.
Q. Why did the Vampire read the Wall Street Journal?
A. He heard it had great circulation.
Q. What is a vampires favorite holiday?
A. Fangsgiving.
Q. What happened when two vampires met?
A. It was love at first bite!
Q. Which building does Dracula visit in New York?
A. The Vampire State Building.
Q. How does a girl vampire flirt?
A. She bats her eyes.
Yes I know these jokes are lame... but I laughed!
(They were all taken from: http://www.halloweenishere.com/jokes.htm....... if you want to see more)
10 Things That Sound Dirty On Halloween, But Aren't...
1. So...What'd you get in the sack?
2. Once you get under the sheet, start moaning and groaning!!!
3. Just hop on that broomstick and ride it!
4. Those small suckers are gone in a few licks!
5. I got the best piece from that house.
6. Quit screwing around on the porch!!!
7. Stick your hand in and guess what you're feeling....
8. It was so filled and heavy, I had to use TWO hands!!
9. They'll suck you dry if they get their teeth in you.
10. I bobbed and bobbed, but couldn't get my mouth around it!
Top Ten Reasons Why Trick-or-Treating is Better Than Sex
10. You are guaranteed to get at least a little something in the sack.
9. If you get tired, wait ten minutes and go back at it again.
8. The stranger you look, the easier it is to get some.
7. You don't have to compliment the person who gave it to you.
6. Person you are with doesn't fantasize you're someone else, you already are.
5. If you get a stomach ache, it won't last nine months.
4. If you wear leather and chains, no one thinks you're kinky.
3. Doesn't matter if kids hear you moaning and groaning.
2. Less guilt the next morning from over-indulging.
1. If you don't get what you want at one place, you can always go next door to get more!
Why Pumpkins Are Better Than Men
1. Every year you get a brand new crop to choose from.
2. No matter what your mood is, pumpkins are always ready to greet you with a smile.
3. One usually makes a better pie.
4. They are always on the doorstep there waiting for you!
5. If you don't like the way he looks, you just carve up another face.
6. If he starts smelling up your place, you can just throw him out.
7. From the start you know a pumpkin has an empty, mush filled head to begin with.
8. A pumpkin is turned on (lit-up) only when you want him to be.
Question: Why don't witches ever have babies?
Answer: Warlocks have hollow weenies.
Question: Why can't Witches have babies?
Answer: Because their husbands have crystal balls
( All these jokes were taken from: http://www.halloween-online.com/jokes/halloween-jokes-adult.html)
And of course I have to end the blog with some Halloween Tunes!
Hahhah that last one cracks me up! Ok now you job is to find another Halloween song and post it... if you leave a comment you better have a halloween song for me!!!!!
Enjoy! Have a great Tuesday! Be back soon to update!
Oh and also... a few people have been asking... Yes my bday is coming up on the 10th of Nov. But I have decided I am not celebrating a bday this year. Why you ask... cause I dont want to get old. I am not by any means saying or disrespecing anyone who is older then me.... it is just some people age way better then others and well my body already hates me health wise....so I am seriously scared of getting older. I turn 26 but shushhhhhhh our lil secret... I am telling people it is my 22 birthday hahaha! So yeah thats the deal with that!

So last weekend Shyla, and I had a Halloweenie weekend. We made Halloween brownies.... carved pumpkins and watched scary movies. We wanted to put on our costumes but figured that would be a little much and we didnt want to be total dorks.....so yeah!
Our pumpkins turned out awsome...we took a bunch of pics.... so when I get them they will be posted of course!!!!
Then the following day.... Caprica, Skulli, Shyla, Me and two other girlies went to a haunted house. Let me just tell you.... I pretty much got all antsy and wanted to have a heart attack while wait in line just to get tickets. But did I mention Shyla give the best pep talks that consists of telling me to grow some fucking balls...this shit is fake you are doing this.....now get up there and get your ticket...... hahahahhahaha so of course I went!
I have to say it was well worth it... I had a blast. Poor Shyla had no circulation from me holding onto her so tightly but I warned her. But here I am ..... I survived!

Here is a video of last years version of the House we went to.... I think this year was a bit better... but some of it looks very similar!
My tattoo guy that has done my back peice.... is working at the Statesville Haunted Prision this year and he told me if I came I wouldnt regret it...that is is flipping awsome.
This is their promo vid this year..... I think Ill pass... I would rather not pee my pants with fear! Thanks! Hahha

Q: What kind of street does a ghost like best?
A: A dead end.
Q: What did the papa ghost say to the baby ghost?
A: Fasten your sheet belt.
Q: How do ghosts fly from one place to another?
A: By scareplane.
Q: What directions did the ghost give the goblin?
A: "Make a fright turn at the corner."
Q: What kind of ghost haunts a hen house?
A: A poultry-geist.
Q: Why do ghosts go to baseball games?
A: Because they like to boo the umpire.
Q: What should you say when you meet a ghost?
A: "How do you boo, sir. How do you boo."
Q: What did the mother ghost say to the baby ghost?
A: Put your shocks and boos on.
Q: What do you call a ghost in a torn sheet?
A: A holy terror.
Q: What tops off a ghost's sundae?
A: Whipped Scream
Q: Why did the baby ghost go to the doctor before halloween?
A: To get a BOOster shot.
Q: When do ghosts usually appear?
A: Just before someone screams.
Q: What do little ghosts drink?
A: Evaporated milk.
Q: How do you make a milkshake?
A: You sneak up behind a glass of milk and yell "Boo!"
Q: Why is a ghost such a messy eater?
A: Because he's always a goblin.
W. Why do ghosts like to ride elevators?
A. It raises their spirits.
Q. Why did the game warden arrest the ghost?
A. He didn't have a haunting license.
Knock, Knock. Who's there?
Phillip! Phillip who?
Phillip my bag with candy!
Q: What is a vampires favorite mode of transportation?
A: A blood vessel.
Q: Why wasn't the vampire working?
A: He was on his coffin break.
Q: Why did the vampire's lunch give her heartburn?
A: It was a stake sandwich.
Q. Why was the girl afraid of the vampire?
A. He was all bite and no bark.
Q. Where does Count Dracula usually eat his lunch?
A. At the casketeria.
Q. Why did Dracula go to the doctor?
A. Because of his coffin.
Q. Why did the Vampire read the Wall Street Journal?
A. He heard it had great circulation.
Q. What is a vampires favorite holiday?
A. Fangsgiving.
Q. What happened when two vampires met?
A. It was love at first bite!
Q. Which building does Dracula visit in New York?
A. The Vampire State Building.
Q. How does a girl vampire flirt?
A. She bats her eyes.
Yes I know these jokes are lame... but I laughed!

(They were all taken from: http://www.halloweenishere.com/jokes.htm....... if you want to see more)
10 Things That Sound Dirty On Halloween, But Aren't...
1. So...What'd you get in the sack?
2. Once you get under the sheet, start moaning and groaning!!!
3. Just hop on that broomstick and ride it!
4. Those small suckers are gone in a few licks!
5. I got the best piece from that house.
6. Quit screwing around on the porch!!!
7. Stick your hand in and guess what you're feeling....
8. It was so filled and heavy, I had to use TWO hands!!
9. They'll suck you dry if they get their teeth in you.
10. I bobbed and bobbed, but couldn't get my mouth around it!
Top Ten Reasons Why Trick-or-Treating is Better Than Sex
10. You are guaranteed to get at least a little something in the sack.
9. If you get tired, wait ten minutes and go back at it again.
8. The stranger you look, the easier it is to get some.
7. You don't have to compliment the person who gave it to you.
6. Person you are with doesn't fantasize you're someone else, you already are.
5. If you get a stomach ache, it won't last nine months.
4. If you wear leather and chains, no one thinks you're kinky.
3. Doesn't matter if kids hear you moaning and groaning.
2. Less guilt the next morning from over-indulging.
1. If you don't get what you want at one place, you can always go next door to get more!
Why Pumpkins Are Better Than Men
1. Every year you get a brand new crop to choose from.
2. No matter what your mood is, pumpkins are always ready to greet you with a smile.
3. One usually makes a better pie.
4. They are always on the doorstep there waiting for you!
5. If you don't like the way he looks, you just carve up another face.
6. If he starts smelling up your place, you can just throw him out.
7. From the start you know a pumpkin has an empty, mush filled head to begin with.
8. A pumpkin is turned on (lit-up) only when you want him to be.
Question: Why don't witches ever have babies?
Answer: Warlocks have hollow weenies.
Question: Why can't Witches have babies?
Answer: Because their husbands have crystal balls
( All these jokes were taken from: http://www.halloween-online.com/jokes/halloween-jokes-adult.html)
And of course I have to end the blog with some Halloween Tunes!
Hahhah that last one cracks me up! Ok now you job is to find another Halloween song and post it... if you leave a comment you better have a halloween song for me!!!!!

Enjoy! Have a great Tuesday! Be back soon to update!
Oh and also... a few people have been asking... Yes my bday is coming up on the 10th of Nov. But I have decided I am not celebrating a bday this year. Why you ask... cause I dont want to get old. I am not by any means saying or disrespecing anyone who is older then me.... it is just some people age way better then others and well my body already hates me health wise....so I am seriously scared of getting older. I turn 26 but shushhhhhhh our lil secret... I am telling people it is my 22 birthday hahaha! So yeah thats the deal with that!

Sure Kraven, the candy, we all believe you. :-)
You do realise that a nerd i a Non-Emotionally-Responding-Dude ;-)