My dear old day used to say "Carpe Diem" or seize the day. I've made an effort to do so for years and now I'm beginning to wonder if I might have seized it a bit too tight. I may have killed it. Fuck.
Oh no, kratzkratz1. The Dumbs won! And L'imbicile was skunked so bad he is stepping down, poor thing. And Elizabeth May was still genuinely smiling. Do you think she went back stage with some of the Marijuana Party? I would and I don't partake whatsoever.

It was inevitable. Sad, but inevitable. I just returned from the US so wasn't even here to commiserate with my peeps. Instead, I was subjected to non stop rhetoric about whether or not the American people deserved (DESERVED) the right to see photos of a recently killed terrorist. Fuck. Move on. Isn't Oprah giving some shit away today? So, even though "Dumb" won, I still feel like we live in the greatest country in the world...zits and all.