ok so time for the update...I can't believe it so much has happened i forgot a bunch of it but I remember the highlights and stuff...
Spring break was cool, two weeks off of everything and I played games and read books mostly. Cat got pregnant around this time and made 5 of the cutest little tornados with claws and teeth I have seen in a long while. However these kittens show a great potential for armageddon.....I cleaned the bathroom fifteen minutes later I cleaned it again....alll from them...
cute kittens = disaster masters!

The kittens are gone now...I do miss em but 4 cats is plenty with them we had 9
I had to go to my last known grandparents funeral which was to say the least interesting because I have not seen or heard from any of that side of the family in 20 years.......seriously...that was 4 weeks ago though. One thing about this though, under no circumstance should you tell your instructors at college that this is the reason you need the time off. Even if, as in my case, it is true. I find out after the fact that a dead grandparent is the most prolific lie that is told to instructors in regard to reasons why you will not be attending the class....
I mean come on people this adult life, you don't have to lie to get out of class, just walk up to your instructor and say....look I don't want to be here right now ( or specify the date if it is later on) so that when someone really does have a grandparent die, the instructors will not give me a look that tells me they think I am lying....until you do come clean, fuck right off because you are making it very difficult for those who tell the truth thank you!
I did take pictures the lamp..here they are..

and speaking of pictures recently i went to Eugene and saw a gnarly accident....I thought there were five cars in it, there were only three...
I was 4 minutes behind it according to the news the next day. I found out the time since i took one picture while rolling through it..
I started work....I dunno for the hell of it for the first time in 2 years.....In a kitchen dish pit operator at the moment.....working into a prep cook position naturally. The food we serve is fuckin a righteous good stuff! If your in Bend and you want excellent quality food....come to the Alpenglow....those who can't well...her I will leave the link for our site so you can drool over our menu...
For fun I have been occasionally going to see movies, well slightly less than occasionally with Silent Hill (saw it 3 times I LOVE IT!). I have also gotten into Battlefield @ a bit I like it and Oblivion for the X-Box 360...both pretty cool. Eventually I want to learn how to make mods for the computer version just for fun hehe...
Addendum......I gueiss this is sorta worthy of the update too....I got this car.....

(*end note* This is a work in progress since my time lately for being on line is fleeting.More to come soon, no really)
Spring break was cool, two weeks off of everything and I played games and read books mostly. Cat got pregnant around this time and made 5 of the cutest little tornados with claws and teeth I have seen in a long while. However these kittens show a great potential for armageddon.....I cleaned the bathroom fifteen minutes later I cleaned it again....alll from them...
cute kittens = disaster masters!

The kittens are gone now...I do miss em but 4 cats is plenty with them we had 9

I had to go to my last known grandparents funeral which was to say the least interesting because I have not seen or heard from any of that side of the family in 20 years.......seriously...that was 4 weeks ago though. One thing about this though, under no circumstance should you tell your instructors at college that this is the reason you need the time off. Even if, as in my case, it is true. I find out after the fact that a dead grandparent is the most prolific lie that is told to instructors in regard to reasons why you will not be attending the class....

I mean come on people this adult life, you don't have to lie to get out of class, just walk up to your instructor and say....look I don't want to be here right now ( or specify the date if it is later on) so that when someone really does have a grandparent die, the instructors will not give me a look that tells me they think I am lying....until you do come clean, fuck right off because you are making it very difficult for those who tell the truth thank you!
I did take pictures the lamp..here they are..

and speaking of pictures recently i went to Eugene and saw a gnarly accident....I thought there were five cars in it, there were only three...

I started work....I dunno for the hell of it for the first time in 2 years.....In a kitchen dish pit operator at the moment.....working into a prep cook position naturally. The food we serve is fuckin a righteous good stuff! If your in Bend and you want excellent quality food....come to the Alpenglow....those who can't well...her I will leave the link for our site so you can drool over our menu...
For fun I have been occasionally going to see movies, well slightly less than occasionally with Silent Hill (saw it 3 times I LOVE IT!). I have also gotten into Battlefield @ a bit I like it and Oblivion for the X-Box 360...both pretty cool. Eventually I want to learn how to make mods for the computer version just for fun hehe...
Addendum......I gueiss this is sorta worthy of the update too....I got this car.....

(*end note* This is a work in progress since my time lately for being on line is fleeting.More to come soon, no really)
im tired of commenting to the same !!!
ive been alright.. u?