Friday night, I went to the party. I left the white mask home, and went as a run-o-the-mill Irish mobster. I even made a final purchase and got a cigar. Little sidetrack here: I looked up at the SG girl in the corner of the screen and cringed a little. Back to the story: I went to the party, and I had some major fun. I also think my confidence is up. I had three girls dance with me. One was married, one was "faithful" to her boyfriend, and one was a friend of mine from school. Both previous girls' companions were not at the party, so... But anyhow, I watched one of my buddies trying his absolute damndest to get the girls. Let me tell you about him. He thinks that when he says he saves lives, him being an EMT on the fire department, girls will lay down and spread legs. However, this man is bigger and the same height as me. He has man titties! And he thought that he was a big shot by bringing his actually 9MM to the party with his costume. It was empty. I brought a baseball bat, but it wasn't empty. Who would have won that fight, if I had actually wanted to follow through with what was going on in my head that night. What was in my head, you ask? I pretty much wanted to pound the shit out of the said guy with the baseball bat.
I have been baking like mad these days, just thought you would like to know. I actually just finished a batch of shortbread cookies. hope youd halloween was awesome! mine was