So... Highlights of the week. Last night, a friend and I went out to the local dance floor. It was her first time, and my... I lost count a while ago... time there. Her and I had to have had one of the best nights ever there. Today... This is a whole different story. I couldn't tell you how many customers, how many orders I made, how many hours I worked today, to save my life! This day could very well have been claimed as the day from Hell. Of course, I have to live where Notre Dame University is, and I completely forgot that the football team had a bye week. That meant one thing: 9 pm, and Rod (Me, if most of you don't know already) was frying tortilla chips to combat the non-existent bins needed to feed the crowds. Before this happens, however, I got the one chance to bite and bear teeth to a manager. I asked nicely to the one manager if he could help us try to fill up the stations, beings we were so busy to even walk away for a second without being buried under a million tickets, and he took one second and said no.
The first thing that came out of my mouth was, "You motherfucker!" as soon as he started walking away. Clearly, I was under massive pressure, and that set me off. Eventually, we got a server, bless his soul, to help us by opening up tortilla packs. I didn't realize that the said manager was standing close by, when I said, "At least someone is helping us." The manager then turns around, looks at me, and says, "Rod, was that directed towards me?" I looked up, not giving a shit, and said, "Come again?" he then repeats himself, this time, more sharper tone. I respond in my own tone. "Oh, no, Alex, it wasn't directed towards you. Sorry you heard me say that." I then went back to doing tickets, and he left me alone for the rest of the night. Best thing in the world was when one of the servers asked me to do a plate over again, and I started to work on it, and my cold guy asked me which chimichanga was his, and I stalled a minute, thinking about which one it really was, and the server was like, "I need this quickly, so stop stalling!" I turned my head, and said, "Oh shut up, woman. I'm trying to think!" I could have seen the blood dribbling down from her lip when I said that.
Yeah... I love my job. Then again, don't we all?

Yeah... I love my job. Then again, don't we all?

thanks for all your support!!