I must be my work's Saturday night puller. See, a pullguy is the guy that catches all the cooked orders and garnishes, cuts, assembles, etc. and sets the food items on trays for the servers to take out. This has been about the 4th time in a row that they have had me on the pull station. Don't get me wrong, I love it. It is better than being the fry guy. There are 6 stations total, and beings that the hardest ones are the grill station and the pull station, the grill is the only one I have to master before I can become a Certified Trainer (Big deal, right?). I can do the grill station, it's just the fact that I don't know for sure if I can prove myself on a busy night. That is the gold they are looking for. Anyhow, I might look rough, but hey, well worth the pay.
Love especially to my favorite SG girls, and the rest of the SG world. Keep up the great pics.
Love especially to my favorite SG girls, and the rest of the SG world. Keep up the great pics.
you blog a lot I wish I had the dedication. I mostly just think of all the cool stuff I'd write about and all the witty comments I'd dome up with, but in the end it's all just in my head.
Different is good thanks for showing me so love on my set hun....xoxo