So....as if being deployed didn't suck bad enough..I haven't heard from my gf in 3 days....and we have been on the rocks as it is..I hate the feeling that things may be coming to an end and I am 1500 miles away in a combat zone and I am not there to even there to deal with this.....
Got my stitches yanked out today....the scar from it is gonna be pretty gnarly....not sure how much range of motion i am gonna have in this finger..i can't even make a fist with my right hand right now....
So....Today I dropped a 400 lb. nitrogen cart on my hand..crushing a knuckle and tearing the skin to the tendons and bone and a blowout on the side...all in all i have a PIP fracture and 45+ stitches in the main wound and about 15 in the blowout...

This injury has caused me to be grounded from flight status for 45 days, but the drugs...
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This site makes being deployed so much easier...having such lovely ladies to look at after a hard crappy day...keep those pics comin girls...
So as of today i have been smoke free for 3 weeks..I am very proud of myself for this as I had been smoking for almost 20 years. The "hard" part was easy for me, being the 24-72 hours it takes to clear your body of nicotine. Now to continue with breaking the habit part, to keep my hands and mind occupied, other than my...
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Don't mind if I take you up on that... wink